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Carl was in the bed with a bandage over his eye and Rick was sitting next to the bed holding onto his hand. I was leaning against the door watching while holding Liam.

"I was wrong. I thought after living behind these walls for so long maybe they couldn't learn." Rick said, looking down. "But today I saw what they could do, what we could do, if we work together. We'll rebuild the walls, we'll expand the walls. There will be more. There's got to be more." He continued. "Everything Deanna was talking about is possible. It's all possible, I see that now." He said, when he saw me at the door. "When I was out there with them when it was over, when I knew we had this place again...I had this feeling. It took me awhile to remember what it was...because I haven't felt it since before I woke up in that hospital bed." He said, starting to cry.

I was starting to cry listening to him but I didn't walk away from the room. I continued listening to him talking to Carl.

"I want to show you the new world, Carl. I want to make it a reality for you. Please, Carl...let me show you. Plea- please, son, don't die." Rick said, looking down with his hand on Carl's head while his other hand was holding Carl's hand.

I saw a slight movement in Carl's hand and it tightened around Rick's hand. Rick looked at their hands after feeling Carl's hand tighten and he looked over at me.

"He heard every word you said Rick." I said, smiling with tears in my eyes. I walked over until I was next to him and put my free hand on Rick's shoulder. "He'll wake up Rick, he's a strong boy." I said, bending down and kissed the top of Rick's head and squeezed his shoulder slightly. Liam made a little noise with a little smile. "Even Liam says he will." I said. Rick smiled and kissed the top of Liams head.

After a few hours, we all went to bed. Carl was resting in the bed. He still hasn't woken up yet but we know it'll take a little while. I was laying next to Rick while Liam was sleeping with Daryl, which was one of the most adorable things I've seen.

"Rick when you ran out there in the herd of walkers, I was scared. I was scared I was going to lose you and I don't know what I'll do if I ever lost you. You mean the world to me and you're the first man that's ever brought me out of my comfort zone. I never loved someone after what happened when I was fifteen but when I met you at the camp at the quarry, I guess you can say that's when I started to fall for you." I said, with my head on Rick's chest.

"I would never leave you Maddie." He said, kissing the top of my head.

I looked up at him and he leaned down and placed his lips onto mine kissing me. We pulled away and smiled at each other and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now