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Me and Rick headed back to the camp and heard everyone yelling at each other at the bridge. I saw Daryl stand on a stump.

"No guns!" Daryl shouted.

"That cause you're the one who killed him?" Jeb asked. I ran to the area and stood next to Daryl.

"Nah. My money's on the garbage lady!" Someone else shouted. This is getting out of hand. They blaming people without knowing the facts.

"Stop accusing people when you don't have all the fucking facts! We'll find out who did it but we won't be able to if you all keep fucking going at each other's throats!" I shouted.

"Maybe you're the one who killed him!" Jeb shouted. That guys is really starting to piss me off. "Maybe she helped her brother in finishing the job." He said, walking towards a tree. I turned my head and saw an ax leaning against it, meaning he's going to grab it and try to kill someone. Another man joined him and a woman stopped them.

"Hey stop. It going to go too far." The woman said.

"No it's not." Daryl said. I pulled my gun out and got ready to use it if I needed to. I aimed my gun at them and Daryl aimed his crossbow at him.

"Maybe it is the Dixon siblings." Jeb said. Rick then rode on the horse we came here on. That's what he was going to do.

"Everybody, back off!" Rick shouted. "Let's start the redirect. Pair off to work the grid." Rick said, riding the horse back and forth to keep everyone apart. I walked away and Rick walked over. Alden joined so did Maggie.

"Thanks for that. You thought about what I asked? Couple guns or the right people might calm things down." Alden said.

"Or make it worse." Rick said. "And it wouldn't have helped Justin. There was no way I was going to let him near one." He added.

"No guns for any of you. That's wasn't part of the deal." Maggie said.

"You trust me, don't you? How about trusting a few other people who made a change?" Alden said.

"First we try to figure out what's happening, who killed Justin." Rick said. "If we can, then I'll think about it." He said.

"Okay." Alden said, walking away with me beside him. He stopped and looked at me. "Do you trust me Maddie?" He asked.

"Yeah I do. Why?" I said.

"I just wanted to know if you do." He said.

"I trust you Alden. I always will." I said.

"Thanks Maddie." He said, smiling. I smiled back before hugging him and he hugged me back. We then went to do what we had to do. I saw Rick walk to where Daryl went and I was curious but I shouldn't get involved in their conversation.

After a little while, I saw Rick and the other groups come back from searching the grids and go into the tent. It looked like it was something serious. A few minutes later, they started leaving but Rick was still in the tent. I walked inside and saw Rick with his back facing me. I walked over and stood next to him.

"What's going on Rick? I asked him. He looked at me then sighed.

"Arat is missing. We found Beatrice knocked out in the woods." He told me.

"Do you think it was the same person or people who killed Justin?" I asked.

"Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't." He said. "I just hope we find out who did it soon before someone else ends up dead." He added.

"We will Rick, you know that." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks Maddie." He said. "Let's go get some rest." He said. We went to our tent and fell asleep.

The next morning, we were standing when we saw the Saviors starting to walk away. I walked back to the tent and got ready to head back to Alexandria with Rick. He helped me on the horse and he got on behind me and wrapped his arms around me and held onto the reigns. We soon arrived at Alexandria and Rick got off then helped me down.

"Thank you Rick." I said, smiling. He smiled back and we walked to the house. "Rick is it alright if I bring Negan his food?" I asked.

"Maddie." He said.

"I'll be okay. I won't let him get to my head." I said.

"Okay but be careful." He said.

"I will." I said, grabbing some food and a little bottle of water and went down to Negans cell. I unlocked the door and went inside. "Here's your food and water Negan." I said, handing it to him.

"Thank you Doll." He said, grabbing the stuff out of my hands. I turned and walked out closing the cell door and locked it again. I walked outside and saw Rick walking around with Liam and Judith. I walked over to him with a smile.

"Look at three of my favorite people." I said, smiling. They looked at me with smiles.

"Did he try anything?" Rick asked.

"No he didn't. He just thanked me for bringing him the stuff." I told him. We began walking around like a family and we went to Carl's grave. Liam sat down on the ground next to it and put his hands on the rocks.

"I miss you big brother." Liam said, starting to cry. "I wish you were still here." He added. I was tearing up and some of the tears fell from my eyes. Liam stood up and ran over to me since Judith was in Rick's arms, crying. "I miss him mommy. Why did he have to leave?" He said, when I picked him up.

"We all miss him. He's still here with us. Not in person but in spirit and he's in our hearts. He's watching over everyone from above." I said, crying. Liam snuggled into me and cried into my shirt. I rubbed his back and looked at Rick to see he had tears in his eyes. We then walked back to the house and put Liam and Judith down for their nap.

Me and Rick went and sat on the sidewalk. I had my head on his shoulder just looking straight ahead with thoughts buzzing around in my head. We stayed like that until it turned dark. We went inside and had dinner then we all slept.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now