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I was outside around the garden with Rick, Liam, and Judith.

"Daddy and mommy's going to get you! You better run!" I said, laughing.

"Daddy no!" Liam shouted, when Rick caught him. I then caught Judith.

"I caught you Judith!" I said, lifting her up in air. She giggled and I put her back down. She then started chasing me. "Oh no Judith is coming after me!" I said, running.

"Let's chase mommy too daddy!" Liam shouted.

"Okay let's go get mommy!" Rick shouted. They were all chasing me all around in the grass. Rick then caught me and he picked me up.

"Daddy caught mommy! Yayy daddy!" Liam shouted. I had my hands on his shoulders while he lifted me up into the air like a child.

"Rick, put me down." I said, laughing.

"Never!" He said, laughing as well. Liam and Judith started laugh along with us.

"Come on Rick! Put me down!" I said again. He finally put me down while laughing. "I hate you." I said, laughing.

"You love me Maddie." He said. "Is that right Liam and Judith?" He asked them.

"Yeah! Mommy loves daddy very much!" Liam and Judith shouted in unison. I crouched down and pulled them close to me to whisper into their ears.

"Go chase daddy." I whispered. They giggled and started running after Rick. They brought him down to the ground and they were on top of him, laughing. "Good job kids." I said, walking over while laughing.

We were now inside and Liam and Judith were sitting on the counter while I was cutting some apples. I cut two pieces off and gave them both a piece and they ate it.

"What about me?" Rick asked, walking into the kitchen. I cut a piece off for him and handed it to him. "Thanks Maddie." He thanked me.

A few hours later, I was outside with Judith and Liam. I was holding Liam while Judith was holding my hand. We went inside and sat on the couch in the living room. I was reading a children's story to them when Rick walked in.

"What are you reading?" He asked, walking over and sat down next to Judith.

"A story called Stellaluna." I replied. "I read this when I was in school." I added.

"After you finish reading the story, do you want to go to the bridge with me?" He asked me.

"Yeah I do." I said, smiling. A few minutes later, I finished the story and the kids were asleep. "Let's get them in their beds." I said, standing up. I picked Liam up while Rick picked Judith up. We carried them to their room and tucked them in their beds and kissed the heads before walking out.

We got on a horse and started riding out to the bridge. We arrived and got off the horse and Rick went to talk to Carol and I walked to Daryl.

"Hi Daryl." I said. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey Maddie, came here with Rick?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah I did." I replied. "But I agreed to come because I missed you. And also to tell you that Liam and Judith misses you too." I said.

"I miss them too but I have to stay here and watch over the place." He said.

"They know that. I wish I can bring them here just to see you." I said. "But I know it's too dangerous for them out here." I added. We saw Jerry riding up on his horse and Rick walked up to him. We couldn't tell what it was about and Jerry rode away and Rick spoke into the walkie. Me and Daryl stood up and walked to him.

"What's going on?" Daryl asked.

"Maggie's heading to Alexandria and she's going to do something she'll regret." Rick said.

"Hop on, I'll take you." Daryl said.

"Got enough fuel?" Rick asked.

"Yeah. It'll be faster." Daryl responded.

"I'll take care of things here while you both are gone." I said.

"Okay, we'll see you when we get back." Rick said, hoping onto the motorcycle.

"Okay bye." I said, waving before they drove away. I was worried about what Maggie's going to do. I know what she wants to do, she wants to kill Negan. Rick and Daryl has to stop her from doing it.

"You okay Maddie?" Alden asked, beside me.

"Yeah I'm okay." I said.

"Where are they going?" He asked.

"To stop Maggie from getting to Negan." I said.

"To kill him, I'm guessing." He said.

"Yeah. I get why she wants him dead but killing him won't solve anything." I said.

"I agree but sometimes grief can make you do things you'll most likely regret." He said.

"That's true. One of my brothers got killed from someone and I wanted to kill him with my bare hands. When the man who killed him showed up, I wanted to just shoot him right there but I had hold myself back because Rick was trying to negotiate with him but it didn't work and a fight broke out. I wasn't the one who killed him, Michonne did because he was choking Rick. I was with Daryl fighting the men that was around us and we also had to deal with walkers. So I understand how Maggie feels, since I lost my brother." I said, tearing up slightly.

"I'm sorry for your loss Maddie." He said, pulling me into his chest when he noticed me tearing up. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shirt. After a calmed down, I pulled away and looked at him.

"Thank you Alden. And sorry about your shirt." I said.

"Don't worry about my shirt but you know you can come to me whenever need someone to talk to." He said.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now