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Me, Rick, and Daryl were in the woods and Rick looked at the time.

"We can wait for some more." Daryl said.

"We can't." Rick said. "He stopped to get me." He added.

"How's that?" Daryl asked.

"Negan was on the ground and I was trying to kill him. Gabriel stopped to get me." Rick answered.

"Yeah he did risk his life to get me and Rick out." I said.

"We got to start out." Rick said.

"You alright?" Daryl asked.

"This isn't about me. Let's go." Rick said. Me and Daryl followed behind him.

"Are you alright Maddie? Did you get hurt?" Daryl asked.

"I'm fine Daryl but I did have a adrenaline rush though." I said.

"As long as you're okay." He said, hugging me. We all then got in the cars and started driving away. We stopped the car. Me, Rick, and Daryl then hid. Daryl shot the man that was at the little booth thing in the head with his crossbow and we ran up.

Me and Rick opened the gate and the three of us ran inside with a few more people with us. We came up to a building and Rick opened the door after we killed two people that was guarding the door and we filed inside, aiming our guns everywhere. We went the hallway and came up to another hallway connected.

"Signal if they're already inside, we'll be there. Come on." Rick said. I went with Rick and Daryl.

"Let's find those guns." Daryl said. We went straight and opened the doors and started searching for the guns. Daryl searched a room while me and Rick went ahead. Rick looked at a paper when Daryl came around the corner and he aimed his gun at him. "There ain't nothing on this floor." Daryl said.

"The only option is up." Rick said.

"High ground. Good cover." Daryl said.

"Yeah. I'd put them up there too." Rick agreed.

"Stairs." Daryl said. We followed him up the stairs after he kicked the door open since it was locked. We then had to climb up an elevator (If it wasn't an elevator, just go with it) and I kinda wish we didn't but we couldn't control that. Daryl climbed up first then Rick then me, with Rick's help.

"Last floor." Rick said. "The guns has to be up here." He added.

"He said they'd be here." Daryl said.

"Everything else that he passed you is checking out." Rick said.

"That guy's a piece of shit." Daryl said, which didn't surprise me of course.

"Those guns get to the Sanctuary, they could cut through those walkers and free up an exit." Rick said. "We'll go faster if we split up. Me and Maddie will find the M2's, you find them, we use them, hit the courtyard right then and there." He added.

"End this quick." Daryl said, going away from us.

"Let's go Maddie." Rick said.

"Alright." I said. We started walking down a long hallway and when we walked into a room, I was grabbed and slammed against the wall which made my head slam hard against the wall and he started putting pressure on my neck with his forearm. I was trying to fight him off but he was too strong. Rick ran over and pulled him off of me and I fell to the floor and started coughing. I turned my head still coughing and saw Rick fighting the Savior and started choking him then he threw him against the metal thing that was holding a shelf up and the man died. Rick came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright Maddie?" He asked. I was still coughing slightly so I just nodded. Once I got my breathe back, he helped me stand up and he pulled the Saviors body down to the floor and grabbed a pair keys.

He opened a door and we walked in to see a room that looked like he belongs to a child. We put our guns down. I walked closer to the crib and saw a baby laying in it. I saw a name on the wall and it said Gracie. We continued looking for the guns and we came to a room and Rick saw something on the wall and walked over to it. He picked it up and looked at it then showed it to me. While I was looking at it, we heard someone come up behind us.

"Keep your hands down." The man said. His voice sounded very familiar to me, like I've heard it before. "Both of you turn around slow." He said. We slowly turned around and saw someone we didn't think we would again. Both mine and Rick's eyes widened at who we saw. "Hi Rick and Maddie." He said.

"Your name...is Morales. You were in Atlanta." Rick said.

"That was a long time ago. It's over Rick and Maddie. I called the Saviors back and they're coming." Morales said, holding up a walkie. He then cocked his gun and was ready to kill us.

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