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"Maddie! Wake up! We have to get out of here!" Daryl shouted. I woke up and jumped out of bed and quickly put my boots on.

"What's going Daryl?!" I asked, grabbing my gun and knife putting the knife in the sheathe that I put on my thigh.

"The farm is getting overrun by walkers!" He shouted.

We quickly left the house and saw walkers coming from around the house. I aimed my gun at the walkers and started shooting, making my way to the RV while Daryl was going to the truck. I didn't see Rick or Shane anywhere. I then heard a gunshot coming from the distance. I heard a walker behind me and I quickly pulled my knife out and stabbed it's head.

"Come on Maddie get in the RV!" Daryl shouted, killing a walker close to him. I saw Rick and Carl running this way and they got in the RV with me following behind them. I closed the door and we all left the farm. I sat down and looked out the window. Carl was seated beside me and he looked scared.

"Are you okay Carl?" I asked, worried. He looked at me and he had fear in his eyes.

"I had to shoot Shane in the head because he was a walker." He told him. I widened my eyes at what he said.

"How did he turn into a walker?" I asked.

"My dad killed him." He told me. I looked at Rick, which he was sitting across from me.

"You did?" I asked. He nodded his head then spoke.

"He was going to kill me but I made him put his guard down then I stabbed him." He said, sounding like he kinda regretted what he did.

"Rick, you did what you thought was right and I would've done the same thing." I said.

"I know Maddie." He said, looking out the window. Carl then got up and went to the back to lay down. "I didn't know Carl saw me kill him. I didn't want him to see that because he might think I'm a murderer." Rick said, getting my attention.

"Don't worry Rick, he might've seen Shane aiming at you and he might understand why you did it." I said. "It might just take him a little bit because he's young." I added.

"You think so?" He asked. I nodded my head with a smile on my face. I can tell that Rick was getting tired.

"Yeah I do." I answered.

He then got up and went beside me then laid down and put his head on my legs and used them as a pillow, which I didn't mind. I looked to the back and saw Lori looking this way with Carl laying next to her. I ignored her and put my head against the wall of the RV and closed my eyes.
Sorry for the short chapter

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