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Before we left, we saw two people running out. I looked more careful and it was Daryl and Merle.

"Let's go." Daryl said, before looking at me.

"Daryl." Rick said.

"Let's go. Go." Daryl said again.

"Everyone's at the arena. This way." Merle said.

"You're not going anywhere with us." Rick said to Merle.

"Do you really want to do this now?" Merle asked. Daryl came over to me and grabbed my arm to look at the wound while Merle and Rick were talking.

"Come on man." Merle said, turning his head towards me. "Well there's my little sister, come give your brother a hug." He said. I looked at Rick and it was like he was telling me not to do it through his eyes. I don't know what to do. Merle is my brother but Rick is a close friend.

"Now's not the time Merle." I said, flinching from Daryl pressing down on the wound since it was still bleeding. We started walking with me between Merle and Daryl until we gathered up with the others.

"Glenn!" Rick shouted.

"Thank god Rick." Glenn said.

"We got a problem here, I'll need you to back up here." Rick said.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Glenn asked, getting angry and pulling out a gun I didn't know he had.

"Hey!" Rick said, stopping him.

"Hey, put that down!" Daryl exclaimed.

"Whoa whoa!" Merle said.

"Put it down!" Rick demanded.

"He tried to kill me!" Michonne exclaimed.

"If it wasn't for him—" Glenn began.

"He helped us get of there." Daryl said.

"After he beat the shit out of you." Rick said.

"Hey we both got hit man." Merle said.

"You jackass." Daryl said.

"That's enough!" Rick yelled. "Hey, put that down!" Rick shouted again.

"Get that thing out of my face!" Daryl shouted.

"You've gone native little brother." Merle said, chuckling.

"At least I don't hang around that psycho back there." Daryl said. Daryls got a point there.

"He's a charmer, been giving wood to your girlfriend Andrea." Merle said, catching our attention.

"Wait, Andrea's in Woodbury?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah right next to the governor." Daryl said.

"Her and blondie spent all winter cuddling up in the forest. That woman had two pet walkers chained up with no arms and cut off their jaws. That's kind of ironic now that I think about it." Merle said.

"Shut up bro." Daryl said. I was quiet through the whole think just lost in thought until Merle put his arm around my shoulder.

"You haven't talked Mads." Merle said.

"I don't feel like talking Merle." I said. We made it to the prison and we stopped.

"It won't work." Rick said.

"It's gotta." Daryl said.

"This will stir things up." Rick replied.

"The governor is probably on his way to the prison right now. Merle knows how he thinks and we need the muscle." Daryl said.

"I'm not having this man at the prison." Maggie said.

"Do you want him to sleep in the same cell as Carol and Beth?" Glenn asked.

"He isn't a rapist." Daryl said.

"His buddy is." Glenn said.

"They're not buddies anymore, not after what happened last night." Daryl said.

"If he stays there, he's going to put everyone at each other's throats." Rick said. I walked to the gate and sat down while waiting for them to finish.

"So you're going to cut Merle loose but let her stay with us?" Daryl asked.

"She's not coming back." Rick said. I felt like I was getting closer to fainting. I looked at my arm and my arm was covered in blood.

"She's not in the state to be on her own." Maggie said.

"She brought you guys back to us." Glenn said.

"Rick." I said. He looked at me just when I passed out.

"Maddie!" Rick shouted, running to me.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now