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We woke up to Daryl yelling. We got up and walked out the room and saw Daryl leaning against the doors.

"What's going on Daryl?" I asked him.

"There's a herd of walkers outside." He told us.

We all helped hold the doors closed until it they left and the storm was over. I was sitting on the ground holding a sleeping Judith, just staring into space. I heard someone sitting beside me.

"Are you okay?" Rick asked. I looked at him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, just thinking about what happened last night and if Daryl didn't see the walkers." I said. "My feet was starting to slip and I thought I was going to fall straight down on the ground but luckily I didn't. I know I should've went to Judith but I needed to help keep the doors closed." I said.

"I know Maddie, we all needed to but I wasn't going to let you fall none of us would." He said.

"I know but it was pretty scary. I'm just happy they left and we didn't have to fight them. But what if they didn't leave and they continued pushing against the doors?" I asked. "We could only hold the doors closed for so long until the wood breaks." I added.

"It was scary but we did what we could and it worked." He said.

"Yeah we did. My belly is the size of a cantaloupe or probably a watermelon. I only have three months left until I give birth and we can meet our little bundle of joy." I said, chuckling.

"I can't wait to meet them." He said, smiling. I felt the baby start kicking.

"They're kicking." I said. He put his hand on my belly and felt the baby kick. He looked up at me and pecked my lips. "We made this baby Rick. They'll be as handsome or beautiful as you and me." I said, making him chuckle.

"Yes we did." He said, kissing me more deeply.

Judith started to move around in my lap and she woke up. She started crying, most likely because she's hungry. I pulled my shirt down a bit and she connected herself to me like a magnet, causing us both to laugh. Rick put his jacket over me. "Can't have anyone else seeing what's underneath." He said, making me laugh a bit more.

We saw Maggie get up and looked to a side of the barn. I looked in that direction and saw Daryl sitting with his back against the wall. She walked over to him and sat down next to him and they started talking a little bit. He looked over here before laying down and getting some rest. Maggie and Sasha walked out of the barn and I saw a glimpse of what was outside. I found myself starting to fall asleep but I can't since Judith isn't finished yet.

She then detached herself and I fixed my shirt and handed her to Rick. I put my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes to get a little sleep even if it's just a little bit.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now