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I was driving while Rick was in the passenger seat and Carl was in the backseat. The car got stuck and we're trying to get it loose. We then heard a walker approaching.

"Cover you ears." Rick said. We did as he said and he shot the walker. "This'll work." He said, getting out of the car with Carl following along.

"Tell me when." I said. He nodded his head while chuckling. I was listening to Rick talking to Carl.

"Put something under the car like this with a little gravel and sticks. They give you traction." Rick said.

"Wouldn't have to do this if she didn't get us stuck." Carl said.

"It was an honest mistake, cars get stuck sometimes." Rick said. "Okay now try it Maddie." Rick told me. I slightly pushed down on the gas and the car got loose. They then got in when someone started shouting.

"Don't leave! Please!" The man shouted.

"Let's go." Rick said.

"I'm okay! Please help me! Stop!" The man continued shouting. We continued driving until we arrived at a police station. I parked the car and shut it off.

"There's other places we need to check. There may not be that many guns in here but we could check while we're here." Rick said.

"We need as many guns as we need ammo." I said, when walked in.

"Yeah we do. We only got a line on a couple. There's a few places here out on main street— bars, a liquor store. The owners had one or two guns behind the counter that people didn't know about but I did because I signed the permits. They may still be there." Rick said. "Do you like that approach?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me." I said. Carl was looking around which left me and Rick alone. Rick walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. "Did you tell Carl about us?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Not yet, I don't know if nows the time to tell him you know because of the situation with the Governor." He replied.

"I understand that." I said. He went to kiss me when Carl came back into the room. We quickly pulled away from each before Carl saw us.

"Did you find anything Carl?" Rick asked him.

"Only one box of ammo that's only a quarter full." Carl said, showing the box.

"It's better nothing." I said.

Rick agreed and we left the station. We got in the car with Rick driving this time and came to a stop near the bar but not too close.

"I feel like you're going to say that I can't go in there." Carl said. I was holding in a chuckle at his comment.

"You can come in there it's not like you're going to be drinking any alcohol." Rick said.

"I don't know how you guys can drink that stuff, it's disgusting." Carl said, remembering that time at the CDC.

"I guess we just got used to the taste, right Rick?" I said.

"That's right." Rick said, chuckling. We started walking to the bar until we saw someone.

"I think someone already made this theirs." I said.

"Don't mean they found what we're looking for." Rick said. "Couple of the places are up ahead, let's get in and get the hell out of here. There, Tyrells. One shotgun and two handguns. Licensed to Tyrell Dabbs." Rick said.

"Hands! Now drop what you have and you go. Your guns and your shoes. All of it in ten seconds." A man demanded.

"Run for the car now." Rick said to Carl.

"10." The man started to count down.

"Dad." Carl said.

"We need that rifle Rick." I whispered.

"Nine...eight." The man continued.

"Carl, listen to your father." I whispered.

"Seven...six." The counting continued.

"Carl go." Rick said again. Carl then shot the man and he fell to the ground. "You okay?" He asked his son.

"Yeah." Carl replied.

"I told you to run for the car, I didn't want you to have to do that." Rick said.

"I had to." Carl said. Rick started to chuckle.

"What?" I asked, confused why he's laughing.

"He's wearing body armor. He's alive." He told us.

"Do we care?" I asked.

"Yeah we do." He responded. We walked inside, slowly. "Watch your step there may be booby traps. He's gotten pretty creative so far." Rick said.

"I thought we were just going to go in and get out." I said.

"I'm not leaving him on the street." Rick said.

"Is he the one who helped you?" I asked.

"Yes he saved my safe and he wasn't like this before." He answered.

"Okay." I said.

"He had a son." Rick said.

"Do you think he may be in there?" I asked. He started to walk until I stopped him.

"Don't. You said there would be booby traps." I reminded him.

"Thank you." He thanked, smiling.

"Let's get him inside." I said. We picked him up and put him inside while being careful.

"Carl, watch that wire!" Rick yelled. "I showed him that weapons locker last year." He said.

"And it had all of these in it?" I asked.

"Not half of it. He's been busy." Rick answered. "We're going to wait for him to wake up to make sure he's okay." Rick said.

"Rick he tried to kill us." I said.

"He told us to go. He didn't know who we were." Rick replied.

"He tried to kill us and we didn't leave him to the walkers." I said.

"We're waiting for him to wake up Maddie. That's it." Rick said.

"Okay but we should restrain him so he doesn't to hurt any of us when he wakes up." I said.

"Okay we will." Rick said, putting restraints on the man.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now