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"We'll stay because we don't know where the Governor is and if he comes back we'll defend this place." Glenn said.

"I'll stay too." I said. Rick looked at me and hugged me, catching everyone off guard but they didn't question.

"I appreciate you staying." Rick said to the four of us.

"Please come back safe you three." I said. Daryl came over and hugged me. After they left, I went inside and walked to Judith. I picked her up and bounced her up and down. "Look at you looking so cute Judith." I said, smiling at her. I put my finger closer to her and she grabbed it with her little hands.

"Hi Maddie." I heard Maggie say.

"Hi." I said, not looking away from Judith with a smile on her face.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked, sitting beside me.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at her.

"Are you and Rick together? I'm just asking because I'm curious." She asked.

"Yeah we are." I answered. "We just didn't want to tell anyone especially Carl since his mother's death." I added.

"I understand that and you have nothing to worry about, I won't tell anyone." She said. "But who else knows?" She asked.

"Of course Daryl does, your father and now you." I told her.

"Did you two do something?" She asked, smirking and wiggling her eyebrows. I didn't answer but I felt my face heating up. "You did? I'm so proud." She said, laughing.

"Shut up Maggie." I said, laughing with her and our laughing made Judith giggle.

"So have you ever wanted children Maddie?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You know you could still have a baby." She said.

"We already have a baby to take care of and we were lucky to find formula for her." I said, making a funny face at Judith making her giggle again.

"I'm sorry but I have to ask this." Maggie said. "Did you and Rick use protection when you both did the deed?" She asked. I thought about it before widening my eyes.

"Uhh....no." I responded. "What if I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"Don't worry Maddie, we'll help you." She assured.

"Thank you Maggie." I said, smiling. We were soon interrupted by Glenn walking in.

"Hi there Glenn." I said, smiling.

"Hey Maddie." He said, smiling back.

"So I heard from someone that you and Maggie are engaged. Congratulations." I said, when Judith started crying. "Now I better feed her." I said, standing up and went to get the bottle that had the formula inside. "Here you go little angel." I said, feeding her. She put her small hands on the bottle, attempting to hold it. After feeding her, I put her in the crib for her nap. Carol then walked inside.

"I've come to watch Judith." Carol said.

"I just put her down for her nap." I said. "I'm going to go take a quick nap too because I'm pretty tired." I told her.

"Okay sleep well Maddie. I'll wake you if something happens." She said.

"Thank you Carol." I said, walking to my cell and laid down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now