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We were on the road trying to figure out where to get the baby food that the baby needed.

"There's a Piggly Wiggly on 85." Glenn said.

"I've been there, the baby aisle is empty." Maggie said.

"What place hasn't been looted yet?" Daryl asked, getting frustrated.

"What about the mall just north of here?" I asked. "There could still be some there." I added.

"There's debris blocking the roads, the car won't be able to get through." Maggie said.

"I can take one of you." Daryl said. His bike is the only thing that can fit through.

"I'll go with you Daryl." I volunteered. He gave me a worried look before Glenn spoke.

"No Maddie, it's too dangerous." Glenn said.

"It's alright I know my way around that mall, I've been there a few times but I always walked past a store that had food and the formula for a baby." I said.

"Okay get on Maddie, just stay close to me." Daryl said. I climbed onto the bike behind Daryl and wrapped my arms around him. "We'll see you two back at the prison." Daryl said. They got in the car and drove back to the prison. Me and Daryl started heading to the mall.

I put my chest against his back and held onto him tight, so I don't fall off. It took a little while to get to the mall but we made it safely. He shut the engine off and we got off. I pulled my knife out and got ready to use it. We made our way in which the mall is bound to be filled with walkers but they're scattered. We climbed up the escalator since it wasn't working anymore and I saw the store up ahead.

I saw a walker at the entrance but it was facing the other way. Daryl shot it with his crossbow and we made our way to it. I looked inside and saw that there were still a few stuff in the store.I saw a bag and grabbed it to put stuff in. I went to the baby aisle and saw that there was still some baby formula there. I quickly put all of them in the bag and grabbed clothes as well so she'll have something to wear.

"You got everything Maddie? Because we're running out of time. The walkers will soon find out we're here." Daryl said.

"Almost." I said, running to the medicine aisle and there were a couple bottles of pain relievers and some others. I put them in the bag and zipped the bag up. "Okay, ready." I said, running to Daryl. We quickly ran out of the store, killing a few walkers that was in front of us. We got on the bike and drove back to the prison with the bag on my back.

We finally made it back to the prison and Daryl shut the engine off after getting it through the gate. I got off and ran inside and gave Hershel the bag.

"We got the rest of the formula that was left, got some clothes, and found some medicine that was still there." I said.

"Thank you Maddie." Hershel said, starting to make the formula. Daryl was holding the baby which looked adorable. "Here's the formula." Hershel said, a few minutes later. Daryl grabbed the bottle and fed her.

"What's going to be her name?" Beth asked

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"What's going to be her name?" Beth asked.

"What about lil ass-kicker?" Daryl asked, a smile plastered on his face. "Do you like that name sweetheart?" He asked, looking at the baby.

"Me and Maggie are going to search for more formula." Glenn said.

"Okay but you two be careful and get back safely." Daryl said. They nodded and left.

I was looking for Rick and I was coming up to the room where Lori gave birth. I opened the door slightly with my knife out, just in case. I didn't see Loris body and I walked further and saw a dead walker that looked like he ate something not too long ago. I figured that the walker might have eaten Lori but I was wondering who killed it. I walked past it and saw Rick sitting on the floor.

"Rick." I said, getting his attention. He looked at me and it looked like he was crying slightly. "What are you doing here Rick?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"I was clearing out walkers and I came in here and saw a walker and killed it. I guess I just stayed here because this was the room Lori was in." He said.

"I know you miss her Rick but remember she's never going to leave because she's in your heart and she's watching over you." I said.

"But I feel like I broke a promise because I said that I'll protect her but I didn't." He said.

"She knew you were trying to protect her but she had no control over what happened." I said. "When Maggie lifted Loris shirt, I saw a mark under her belly and I knew she had a c-section. Lori knew she wasn't going to make it without any anesthesia and medical supplies but she wanted the baby to live." I said.

"I know but I can't help but feel like I failed at keeping her alive." Rick said, still blaming himself.

"It's not your fault Rick and you know that. She wouldn't want you blaming yourself because of her death." I said. "I know sometimes you don't want to talk about it but remember that you can come to me for anything because I'll always be here." I said.

"What if you die too? Then what am I supposed to do?" He asked, looking at me.

"If I died, I don't want you to blame yourself because I'll know that you did your best and I won't think anything different." I said. "What matters is that you tried and that's the best thing you can do at times like these. I can't say that I understand what you're going through since I was never married but just know that she will always be with you." I said, starting to tear up myself.

"I guess you're right Maddie, thank you." He said. "You always know what to say." He said, looking at me. He saw my eyes filled with tears and they were starting to fall down my cheeks. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"Rick, I hope you know that you're a great leader and I hope you never forget that." I said, pulling away and looking at him.

"You really think I'm good at being the leader?" He asked.

"Yes I do. Now let's get back to the group because they're probably getting worried." I said, standing up. We started walking back and saw Daryl holding the baby.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now