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Everyone was inside the prison conversing with each other. I decided to walk outside to get fresh air and so I opened the door then closed it. I saw someone in the field and I headed towards them. I saw it was Rick. I walked behind him and hugged him from behind.

"Hello sir, have we met before?" I asked. I heard him chuckle before turning around and wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't know pretty lady." He asked, smiling down at me. "Why don't we go behind this wall right now and see if we can refresh our memory?" He asked, seductively.

Before I was able to respond, he pulled me behind the wall and made my back go against it. He attached his lips to mine with his arms around my waist. My arms were around his neck and we were in a full on make-out session. He kissed my jaw down to my neck and sucked, harshly.

"Ahh Rick." I moaned, quietly so no one hears me. "I love you so much Rick." I said, my hands going into his hair.

"I love you too Maddie. So fucking much." He said, kissing my lips again. I find it really hot when he swears.

"Maddie! Are you down here?!" We heard Daryl shout. We pulled away and I stepped out of behind the wall while Rick stayed hidden.

"Yeah I am Daryl!" I shouted back. He made his way towards me and I walked further away from the wall so Daryl doesn't see Rick.

"I just wanted to tell you that Carol is cooking the food and wants to know if you'll help her." Daryl told me.

"Okay tell Carol I'll be there in a little bit." I replied, smiling.

"Okay Maddie." He said, walking back to the prison. When he was out of sight, I walked back to Rick.

"That was close, my brother almost caught us." I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. "I got myself a good-looking man." I said, winking at him. "I'll see you at lunch." I said, chuckling.

"I got myself a beautiful lady." He said. "And it's a date." He added, laughing with me. When I turned to leave, he slapped my butt like he did before.

"Tease." I said, walking away to help Carol. "I'm here Carol." I said, walking to her.

"Finally, it took you like a million years." She joked.

"Shut up I was busy." I said, sticking my tongue out.

"Making out with your boyfriend?" She said, making me choke on my own saliva.

"No." I lied. She gave me a look that basically said that she knew I was lying. Carol knows me way too well. "Fine I was but shush." I said, putting my finger on my lips.

"My lips are sealed. Now help me put the food on the plates." She said.

"Yes mom." I said, laughing with her joining along. When I got the food on the plates everyone started eating. I saw Rick walking back and I smirked. "You finally got here, I thought I had to go hunt you down." I said.

"And I wouldn't mind." He said. "Okay that may have sounded wrong." He said, laughing.

I laughed with him and we sat down and started eating. Occasionally, he would feed me and I would feed him but only to cringe Daryl out. We finished eating and we went back outside and started gardening again.

"Rick." I said.

"What is it beautiful?" He said, making me blush.

"What would we name our baby?" I asked.

"If it's a boy we could name him Daniel and if it's a girl we could name her Olivia." He said.

"I feel like you knew I was gonna ask that." I said. "But those are good names." I added.

"I kinda had a feeling you were going to ask something along that line." He said.

"I just hope I'll be a good mother." I said. He walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"You'll be a great mother Maddie. You've been taking good care of Judith." He assured.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now