Attitude {Mic}

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Just like book 2 im starting book 3 off with a rewrite from book 1

Your sitting at the dinner table straight across from Mic whos rubbing his temple in annoyance. "Eat." "No." He sighed shaking his head "Well maybe if you hadn't walked away the first two times I wouldn't have tied you down in the first place, please eat." You shook your head and started pushing the plate to the edge like a cat would a glass "Dont you dare." Mic warned but you ignored him, the plate fell and hit the ground breaking and spilling its contents everywhere.

Mic stood and started cleaning the mess with a very annoyed look across his face "You know you dont always have to act like a brat." you rolled your eyes "And you dont always have to act like a bitch." He went and threw the plate away and came back "Im starting to get sick of your attitude problem, im about to punish you." You scoffed "Your idea of a punishment is withholding dessert-" You jumped with a yelp as he slammed his hand down onto the table in front you.

"Thats it! I deal with those stubborn kids all day, you're not a kid you're an adult so stop acting so childish! Is it so much to ask to come home from a long day of saving Japan and teaching the future heroes to a 'Welcome home' or god even a hug, or maybe you could thank me for doing everything for you while you sit and complain!" You shrunk into yourself, hes never raised his voice at you before and in all honesty it was really scary to hear his voice slowly raise unsure when his quirk will kick in "I-Im sorry?"

He laughed with an annoyed smile "Oh now your sorry?" He untied you and swung you over his shoulder as he started walking. He opened a door to a room you've never been in before, he set you down "Lets see how sorry you can get then." He shut the door and suddenly every noise from before just vanished. It was so quiet you could hear your heartbeat, your organs moving and working, it felt like you could even hear your blinking. It was fine for the first two minutes or so but that amount of silence could break even All Might himself. 

It started feeling as if you couldn't breathe, started shaking, and felt dizzy. After about an hour you couldn't take it anymore, you were beating on the door as hard as you could screaming until your throat went raw about being sorry and wanting out but you guess the sound proofness worked both ways. 

(466 Words)

...My nap turned into sleeping all night and half the bad 

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