Eri {EraserMic}

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You dont blame the poor girl, how could you, shes not the reason your here and she had no choice in coming to live with you and your captors. She is however the reason you can no longer fight back, poor girls been threw so much you guess she really cant handle anymore.

Like once you were in the kitchen trying to make yourself a snack and she came in asking you to make her one so you agreed and she thanked you before walked off to grab a juice. Mic found you cutting an apple and wrapped his arms around you smiling and trying to give you a kiss "Mic get off me." Your tone was harsh but he only tightened his grip with a smile "Come on babe, just a little kiss? I can't help it you just look so cute acting all motherly like that." You tried to shake him off but he only grabbed the knife from you and leaned more into you, it was getting on your nerves "Mic I said leave me alone!"

You heard a tiny thump and a whimper, Mic let you go as you both turned to see Eri had dropped her juice and tears were collecting in her eyes as she started shaking. You put everything down and crouched to pick her up letting her cling to you "Hey its ok Eri." She was crying now, teats wetting your shoulder "Are you gonna hurt Mic?" You panicked, they explained Eri's past to you before she even came to live with them "Of course not! Me and Mic were just, uh.... Mic's hard of hearing baby, sometimes you gotta raise your voice so he can hear. I didn't mean to scare you, im sorry." She stopped shaking but tears were still wetting your shoulder "Can we go play F/n?" "Sure Eri." You walked off to bring her to the playroom Mic set up a few days prier.

Then another time when you went to swing at Aizawa but Eri walked in so you had to quickly stop yourself and pretend that you had been diving into his arms for a hug, god you hate being this close to him. He hugged you back with a smile as Eri ran over "Hugs!" You smiled and pulled her into the hug, such a c̴͓̈͠ũ̷̜̮t̷̮̪̚ȅ̷͉͌ ̷̳̜̋f̶͇͘à̶̹m̷͉͑i̷̡̠̾̿l̵̨͕̈͝y̴̪̙̆ ̷͓̑m̷͕̿͠o̴̜͝m̸͕͚̈́̈́ě̴̥̒n̵̰̜̏t̷̼̕͝.  Once the hug was finally over Eri stayed on your hip looking up to smile at you "Can we go give Mic a hug now?" You wanna scream "Sure!" 

Of course they take full advantage of your kindness towards Eri, they know you'll pretend to be the happy little girlfriend when Eri is around so they use her to ask you to sleep with the three of them in their bed. Or having her wander over and suggest you give the two freaks affection. Your happy shes safe and happy now but you wish she could have found a family that doesn't use her to get affection from their kidnapped victim.  

(506 Words)

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