Locks {Iida}

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"But-" You sharply turned around "Iida! Really, im fine." He still didn't look content as you both started walking again "I dont understand how parents can just, just, throw their kid on the street." You simply shrugged "Sure it was rough in the begaining but im fine now." "How are you so calm about it?" "I dont know, I mean I have a job and an apartment finally so is to big deal." Iida frowned harder "Can I come over to this new apartment?" "Sure but its kinda far."

You both took the two trains and the bus it took to get to your neighborhood and then walked the rest of the way to the apartment. While you guys were climbing the rusty cricking stairs Iida grabbed your shoulder "Did you know this place is known for its villain hideouts and vigilante activities." "Yeah thats why the rents so cheep- Dont steep on that one it'll cave in on you." "This place definitely isn't up to code." You quickly unlocked your door and pulled you and Iida inside before quickly locking the deadbolt then the other locks before turning to head to your bathroom "Im gonna change, grab a snack."

Iida looked to the door "Those locks dont seem secure-" "They get the job done." You came back and dropped onto the couch, Iida followed "This couch is kinda, hard." "Yeah I didn't put my bed away good this morning." "Bed?" "Yeah, pull out the couch and theres a mattress inside." He cocked his head to the side in confusion "God Iida sometimes I forget how privileged you are, I dont have a bedroom so I have to sleep on the mattress inside the couch." He looked concerned, even more so when screaming came from outside "Heh...thats the upstairs neighbor, hold on." 

You stood grabbing a broom and started hitting the roof, Iida came over and took the broom from you "F/n, please come live with me and my family. Im sure they wont mind to have you-" You laughed "I dont need hand outs." His grip on the broom tightened "You shouldn't- no, can live like this. Please its not a hand out, please pack up and come stay with us, its to dangerous to stay here." You rolled your eyes with an annoyed sigh "Leave." "What-?" "Leave! Im fine, i've earned this apartment with hard work, its all I can afford! Im sorry not everyone was gifted loving rich parents, I wasn't born with a sliver spoon sticking out my fucking mouth! I dont get handed everything to me on a silver plater! Just leave, now."

He left clearly upset. Sure you felt bad, Iida is your best friend and he was just concerned for you but its gets frustrating to have people pity you so much. You pulled your bed out and flopped as carefully as possible onto it before closing your eyes drifting off. You woke hours later to the sound of pounding on your door, you jumped up and looked to your door to see one hinge had the second wasn't to far behind. You booked it into the bathroom and locked yourself inside, luckily in your panic you hadn't forgotten to grab your phone. You opened the call app and clicked the first contact, Iida, it rung till it came to his voice mail. He must still be upset about earlier you though moments before the bathroom door was ripped off its hinges to revel....Iida!? 

"I told you your locks arn't sturdy."

(590 Words)

Requested by: LoriBannon

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