Gift {Mic}

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🚧Student x Teacher, dont like dont read🚧

Mic was walling down the hall to the exit when he heard the sound of school shoes running up behind him "Mic-sensei!" His smile widened as he turned to face you "Well if it isn't my favorite little listener, how are you?" You smiled as you both started walking side by side "Im good, Oh right- I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" He ruffled your hair "Thanks listener!" You both opened the door and Mic wrapped his arm around you "Let me drive you home, my treat." 

While you two were jamming he turned the radio down "You thirsty, want a snack?" He pulled up to a gas pump at the convenience store, you shrugged as he hopped out. He came back and handed a bag in before pumping the gas, he got himself a beef jerky and can coffee and you a rainbow slushy and a few different things to much. Once he got back in you nudged him "Its your birthday and your the one giving me stuff, I feel bad I didn't even get you a gift"

He chuckled "Aren't you my gift?" You laughed before taking a slip of your slushy, a few minutes later you got out Mic's car and almost fell "You ok listener!?" "Yeah just, uh, little light headed suddenly. Thanks for the ride sensei." He watched you go into your apartment before backing out. You went in and laid on the couch, since when have you ever been so tired you felt you couldn't make it to your bedroom? Your not sure when you crashed but you woke up to the feeling of being picked up, you closed your eyes again thinking it was just your dad coming home from work and bringing you to your room. 

Until the door opened and you were brought outside. You tried to fight the grogginess away but you could still barely keep your eyes open "Calm down little listener, i've got you, its alright."  'ic, Mm-?" He chuckled "Yeah its Mic songbird, go back to bed its alright." He put you in the back of his car so you could continue to lay down as sleep forcefully took you again.

"̴̼̌A̸̡͈͐r̷͖̔̓ͅe̴̳͙͛ṋ̵͋́'̶̻̿t̵̘̅ ̷̳̃y̶̼͔͛o̶͎̕u̸͚̎ ̶̘͕͆m̴̭͑y̴̬͗̂ ̶̼̰̌g̵̻̓͜͝į̷̢́f̷̼̝̉t̴̛̬̯͒?̵͚̃"̶̭͚͋

(417 Words)

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