Marry 2 {Mic}

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You were laying on the beach with your eyes closed when you heard something like something squishy but hard hit a rock on the side of the island. You sat up opening your eyes as you scanned around the beach, your eyes landed on the black matted hair tangled with sea weed of a man lying face down on the side of the island. You jumped up running over and ran over to him, you rolled the man on his back and stopped dead "Aizawa!" Tears perked in your eyes as you frantically started doing CPR.

His eyes opened as you yanked him onto his side so he could cough up the water in his lungs without much trouble. You helped him sit up "Oh catfish I thought I lost you!" He yanked you into a hug you happily reciprocated "I thought I lost you!" He laughed "Takes more than a sinking ship to stop this old man." You both stood but as he looked behind you his eyes grew big and he yanked you to stand behind him covering you with his arm "Run to the middle of the island." "Huh? Oh!" You saw what he was looking at, your husband and daughter watching you curiously, they must have come back from savaging while you were doing CPR.

You ducked under his arm and walked right into the water to his dismay "Its alright cap, their not gonna hurt us." Eri came right into your arms to be held and Aizawa cocked his head "What? F/n get away from them their dangerous." "No their not, Aizawa meet my mate Hizashi and our daughter Eri." His face dropped and horror filled his expression "You...and a siren? Their supposed to kill and eat humans, you two have a daughter!" You made a hand movement, inviting him into the water, he slowly came back into the sea swimming on the side off you.

Mic happily chirped at him, this is Aizawa! You told him all about Aizawa and he finally gets to meet him! He held out his hand in a handshake motion, Aizawa slowly, and very cautiously, shook Mic's hand as he chirped at him "He saying its nice to meet you." Aizawa slowly nodded "Its uh, ?good? meeting you too Hizashi.... Did you sink my boat?" Your heard sunk, Hizashi did sink the boat but he promised you he would never sink another. Hizashi also looked uncomfortable but luckily the subject was changed when Eri flopped out your arms and next to Aizawa chirping away "Shes asking you to hold her." 

Aizawa picked her up careful to make sure most of her was still in the water "Hi Eri, im your grandpa Aizawa... do sirens have grandparents?" Mic shook his head before chirping, you translated "Sirens leave their young when their old enough to hunt for themselves, so no but Eri is half human so yes she has a grandpa Aizawa." Aizawa smiled at the little girl causing you to smile, no matter how much Aizawa didn't like sirens he loved you and he could throw all that bias away for you if your truly happy... but are you? You and Aizawa went back onto the shore as Mic and Eri followed to lay in the shallow parts.

"So mate, how did that happen." You cant tell the truth, not only for Aizawa and Eri's sake but for your own sanity "Mic saved me the night the ship sank and we got to know each other well, I have a story for you!" He laughed "Well you know all mine so maybe a new one would do us good." "A sirens kiss can make you understand their language and breath underwater." He laughed giving Mic a glance, he was smiling at you as Eri crewed on some poor star fish unlucky enough to have crossed her path.  

Mic undid the sack tied around his chest and tossed it up to you as you took the fish out to cook, again at least your not starving, Aizawa's stomach growled hes not even sure the last time he ate. He started the fire as you got the fish ready to cook. The first one went to Eri, the second Mic, and you and Aizawa shared a fish. Once dinner was over you helped Aizawa pull your old shack out the woods so he can sleep on the beach like he wanted "If im sleeping hear where do you sleep." You smiled as you walked backwards into the water and suddenly disappeared into the water like a sink hole opened under you. He panicked for a moment before you and Eri came up chuckling "In my cavern dummy." 

(796 Words)

Requested by: rawrrawr920

Lol, look another happy ending  🙃

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