Asylum {Doctor Aizawa}

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Mic sat next to you on the bed helping you fill out your discharged papers, there was some parts you didn't understand, when the door opened. You both turned to see Aizawa "Morning." Mic smiled at his greeting and motioned towards you "Morning doctor, look shes not trying to punch me." Aizawa laughed as he pulled the rolling seat up to the other side of you "Go get a needle and lets see how you fair then." Mic laughed "Come on, dont make her have to stay any longer then she already has, she worked for her release harder then ive seen anyone before." Aizawa laughed a bit as he put the arm cuff on you "Oh im not, shes earned her leave I know." For a while everyone including you believed you were going to be a a permanent residence but you didn't let that deter you.

 You started talking to other staff members, controlled yourself when Mic came in with shots, started talking to others while going to collect your lunch which also counted as leaving your room. Everyone noticed your smile become more real everyday. Once the last signature was sighed Mic grabbed the clipboard "I'll go get this filed for you, all packed?" You nodded with a smile as he bounced out the door. Once he left Aizawa took the cuff off and wrote something on his paper "So... where will you go?" Your smile dropped "Im, not really sure, maybe I can find a shelter-"

"You could come stay with me." You shook your head "I wouldn't want to be a burden." Aizawa gave you a smile "Your not a burden F/n and I would be happy to have your company my home, so would my children." You knew Aizawa had a fatherly attitude but you never thought of him being an actual dad. When he saw you still resistance his face light up "How about a trade, I pay a lot of money for my youngest to go to a day care while im at work. You can come be my live in nanny that way we're both getting something out of it." 

You caved since you could see he wasn't going to give up. Mic came back with your copy of the paper work and Aizawa told him he was gonna give you a lift to the place you wanted to go, maybe he was breaking some code by letting you come stay with him or something and thats why he didn't tell Mic the truth. He drove out the city and to a small little house on the country side, its the kind of place you'd assume a man who likes quite and to not be bothered would live. 

He parked the car and ran to grab your suitcase for you, he pushed you along to the front door and unlocked it. "Hitoshi! Eri! We have a guest!" You heard a bit of pitter patter before a boy in his teens and a young girl who could be no older then 7 came to stand in front you. The boy gave you a way "Hi, im Shinsou." The girl gave you a wide smile "Hi im Eri! Are you dating my dad?" You froze and Aizawa chuckled "No Eri, shes gonna be your nanny. You two mind your manners." And with that he pushed you along to the guest bedroom leaving you to get comfy.

When he came back to the kids Shinsou smiled "Alright ill give it to you, she seems really nice." Eri got more excited "I cant wait for her to be our mommy." Aizawa gave her a smile "Remember dear thats a secret, and be patient she'll be your mom soon enough dear."

(630 Words)

Requested by: yangsusage  

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