Rehabilitation {1A + Aizawa + Nezu}

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🚧Your age is never made clear just that your in 1A for rehabilitation, Aizawa and Nezu are your yanderes but they can be interpreted as platonic or romantic i'll put the warning anyway, dont like dont read🚧

You woke up to your alarm blaring, another day in hell you thought sitting up and slamming the snooze button. You got outta bed and put on your UA uniform and looking at yourself in your mirror, the slash across your face is healing better at least. A knock came at your bedroom door "Come in Aizawa!" Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead, the hero the hero commission and Nezu deemed was best option for a 'caretaker' while you did your rehabilitation, guess things could have been worse you could have gotten Endeavor. At least Aizawa acknowledge your a person and not just your past actions; he let you get a few things to decorate your temporary room, get some clothing that actually fit, and got you a few things to keep you occupied since you weren't allowed on the internet unless it was for "school."

He opened the door fixing his scarf "You ready?" You grabbed your bag "No but your gonna make me go anyway." He smiled as he ruffled your hair "You'll be ok little kitty." Little kitty, a nickname he recently started calling you while at home. You two made your way to the kitchen and grabbed your lunches Aizawa prepared for the two of you before a hunk came from outside "Someone's inpatient today huh." You both chuckled "Well guess he want to hurry to the dorms." Right your moving into the dorms today.

You got into the back of Nezu's car "Hey F/n, how are you today?" "Im alright." He nodded "You finished those papers?" You dug threw your bag and took out the papers, just something you have to do for your rehabilitation, can't complain at least your not in Tartarus. "Dont forget are class this week." Every other week you have to go and just sit with Nezu so he can judge your progress, lately he started taking you to cafes and such to make them a bit less boring. You guys pulled up to the school and you ran off to meet the class "Hey guys!" They all waved at you as you came to stand, Midoriya turned to you "How are you gonna do your community serves from inside the UA gates?" He seemed worried, you get it if you dont do the community service the rehabilitation gets revoked and you get sent to prion.

"Aizawa and Nezu talked it over and i'll assist them with their teaching stuff and that'll count as the service." They all nodded looking relieved, till Aizawa came out and started talking to everyone. Once everyone was set up Aizawa came out his room to meet you all in the dining room to explain the rules, the one he stressed the most was not to come into his room. Except you but he told you that privately after the meeting. 

"You wanna have a sleepover L/n?" "Hey I can't sleep can we bunk tonight L/n?" "Lets have a movie night together L/n!" "Can we chill in here L/n?" "You should come sleep in my dorm if their annoying you that much L/n-chan." "Maybe you should just let them in then, can I also join?"

Aizawa woke to the sound of his door opening and closing quickly, he shot up but calmed when he saw you in those cute cat themed pajamas he got you "What?" "Every single one of class 1A has come into my room, I cant sleep like this and you know how I get when im cranky." He let out a laugh as he extended his hand to you, an invitation. You curled up next to him dozing off "Night kitty." "Night Aizawa." The last bit muttered as you were fully out, he needs to teach those idiots how to be subtle about breaking down your icy walls or their gonna get him and Nezu caught alongside them.

(686 Words)

Requested by: sol565

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