Hit Me {Miriko}

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Miriko has never made you bite your tongue, go ahead yell, scream, hell curse her name if that'll make you feel better. She thinks that getting things off your chest in this way is a good way to get your frustration out without hurting yourself. Besides when you do finally become her submissive little housewife the memories of these past tantrums will be simply that, a sweet memory.

"I knew you were crazy but this really takes the cake!" She put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes "Bunny its not that big of a deal-" "No! No, your crossing a line this time! You cant just drug me because I broke one of your shit rules!" She walked over to you holding the needle out causing you to back all the way into the wall "Dont come any closer to me!" She shook her head like she was standing in front a toddler throwing a fit at the doctor "Sweetie I have to do this-" "You dont have to! You want to!" You threw your hand up and knocked the needle onto the floor, you turned and dashed for it but she grabbed you throwing you to the ground and pouncing on top you. 

You tried to get your arm free but the look on her face stopped your movements "If you think you can take it, then hit me. But I can guarantee that you wont like the outcome." You groaned and relaxed your body "Sorry Rumi." She smiled "Thats what I thought, now be a good girl and take a nap for mommy." She stuck you in the side of your neck.

(282 Words)

Requested by: Yolotwin48

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