Visitation {Aizawa}

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🚧Teacher x Student, dont like dont read🚧

Aizawa's been sitting outside your hospital room for the last hour, but finally he saw your parents round the corner. He stood and bowed to them "Hello, I believe theres been a mistake. I tried to check on L/n while making my rounds for my class but the nurse told me I couldn't because im no longer on the visitation papers." Your father rubbed the back of his neck but your mother crossed her arms "Theres been no mistake, I took you off myself."

"May I ask why?" "Well you and UA have failed multiple times now to actually do your jobs and keep the kids out of harms way, and in all honesty Mr. Aizawa, I dont like the way you look at my daughter."

"I dont know what your trying to insinuate but-" Your mother pushed past him to walk into your room with your father in toe "Im not insinuating anything im simply stating as her teacher you shouldn't be so involved in her personal life

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"I dont know what your trying to insinuate but-" Your mother pushed past him to walk into your room with your father in toe "Im not insinuating anything im simply stating as her teacher you shouldn't be so involved in her personal life." The door shut as Aizawa walked off, 'involved' what does she know? 

He came back a few days later, since he overheard Midoriya say thats when you were getting discharged, just in time to see you step out the elevator with your crutches still bandaged up pretty good. Recovery Girl warned you guys next time you guys jumped into danger she wouldn't heal you as a 'lesson'. When you noticed him your face lit up "Hi Mr. Aizawa!" He gave you a smile as you came to stand in front him "Hi L/n, how are you feeling?" "Could be better, could be a lot worse, so good I guess."

Your father came over and started nudging you to the door "L/n you need to get off your leg, come on dear." And again your mother, in all her anger, came back over to him "You-" Aizawa cut her off "Whats the real reason you dont want me around L/n?" Her eyes daggered "I know your in a relationship with my daughter, its over, stay away from her fucking pervert." She went to catch up with you and your dad. So thats what it is, she wants to break the two of you up.

Aizawa tried to call and text you but eventually your mother answered so he knows you no longer have your phone. When you didn't come to class he did a bit of digging and found you got moved to Shiketsu High. He asked some of the students and apparently they still hang out with you, and that you guys were going to the mall after school.

You scooted your drink closer to Iida "Im going to the bathroom, watch my stuff please." Tsu nodded "Sure, do you need help?" You grabbed your crutches "Nah I got it." On the way to the bathroom you felt someone grab your shoulder, you turned ready to knock a creepier's head into the ground only to see Aizawa "Shota!" You stumbled a bit moving your crutches you you could hug him, which he happily returned "Hi kitten." You stood back "We shouldn't be seen together, my moms pretty pissed I even had to talk her out of calling the cops." He frowned as he cupped your face "I know baby, shes trying to tear us apart. But im here because I dont want her to, come with me we can run off together." You seemed unsure so Aizawa frowned harder "I thought you loved me F/n." 

Your eyes widened a shock "I do!" "Then dont hurt me like this. Please kitten you'll be so much happier with me then with them, after all your mom punished you just because you were happy with me." "Alright, lets do it." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around you to help you walk faster to his car.

(670 Words)

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