Let Us Adore You 2 {Aizawa+Mic+Midnight}

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You woke up to being shook "Come down for breakfast Mic made your favorite sis." You looked up at the smiling Midnight and rolled over to face the wall causing her to sigh "Alright Aizawa come get her." You were hoisted into the air and thrown over a broad shoulder "Morning sis." "Put me down!" The both laughed, laughed like their your older annoying siblings and and your their little sister getting picked on in good fun. Aizawa plopped you into a chair and Aizawa wrapped you in his scarf to keep you their as Mic walked up and placed a plate in front you before sitting next to you.

"So little sis none of us have anything going on after work, what do you wanna do when we get home?" You gave him a death glare as he scooped some food onto your spoon and held it up for you to eat "Lets see maybe we can go back to my house and you can drop me off and never speak to me again, that be fun." They all laughed, Midnight even looked as if she wiped a tear before she spoke "Your always so sarcastic, your so much like him." She pinched your check and you tried to rear back but Mic's hand wouldn't let you. 

They are either delusional as all hell or their doing this on purpose and your not sure which would piss you off more "Can you just let me go back to bed then, im tired." Aizawa rolled his eyes "Dont be a brat, we work all day to spoil you the least you could do is spend some time with us." You scoffed "Well if you count all the times you drugged me and forced me to come sit with you guys I think I spend a bunch of time with you freaks." Mic started petting your hair "Hey dont stress out little Shirikumo we just want you calm and happy, your medicine helps with that."

God the fact he speaks with such love and care in his voice pisses you off even more, its always like this and its really starting to get under your skin. "Can you just shut up, your not doing any of this for me its all for yourself! You kidnapped me, took me from my home and loving family, just because I look and act like my brother! You all need mental help, you never healed from his death and you guys need to go talk to someone about that but not me!" You started crying "Just let me go home! Please!" 

You felt the bindings drop and got pulled into Midnight's lap, you hate yourself for it but you wrapped your arms around her crying into her chest. You couldn't help it it was such a motherly hug, their leaving for work soon anyways maybe they'll forget about this little slip up over the day.

(496 Words)

Requested by: sol565

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