Babysitter {Aizawa}

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🚧Applied Age gap, dont like dont read🚧

Aizawa opened the door and found you on the couch face buried in your phone, when you noticed him you tossed it on the couch and stood "Welcome home Mr. Aizawa." "That my shirt?" You smiled "Yeah. I was running Eri a bath and slipped, top half ended up right in the tub. She said you never wear this shirt so I thought it would be ok to borrow while I dried my things." He nodded as he sat on the couch next to you.

"Its fine, you didn't hurt yourself when you fell right?" You shook you head "Bruised my elbow but thats about it, anyways Eri's tucked in and fast asleep already so I guess i'll be on my way." As if on que it started pouring cats and dogs out side, you gave a nervous chuckle "Any chance I could get a ride home?" "I cant leave Eri all alone, but your welcomed to stay the night."

Not like you have much of a choice "Thanks, any spear blankets-" "No need, you can have my bed." "Oh no I dont wanna kick you out your own-" He stood with a laugh "Dont worry I barely use the thing anyways, I have grading and hero paperwork so i'll probably crash at my desk like usual." With a nudge from Aizawa you went up to his room,

Aizawa seriously doesn't use this thing!? If this was your bed you'd never leave it! You quickly made yourself at home falling fast asleep

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Aizawa seriously doesn't use this thing!? If this was your bed you'd never leave it! You quickly made yourself at home falling fast asleep. 

A few minutes later the door creaked open and Aizawa crept in, he slowly and carefully came to lay beside you "Im glad you seem to like your new bed kitty."

(312 Words)

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