HouseWife {Villain Midoriya}

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He came into the kitchen to find you in the cute little 1950's style 'housewife' dress with an apron and the cute heels to match he got for you way before he took you. You turned to him "Morning Izuku." He was a bit confused since not last week you were trying to claw his eyes out "What are you doing?" "Cooking you breakfast." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him "I meant, why are you behaving all of a sudden?" You smiled up at him "Well I figure im not getting out and fighting is only making things worse so why not just give in and make my life a little easier."   

He smiled letting your wrist go "Im glad you finally see things my way." He leaned in for a kiss and you let him. His smile was all to wide "Well sorry you got up early just to cook me breakfast but I gotta run, me and my boss have a meeting I need to get to. Oh but i'll be home in time for dinner promise." "Alright, have a nice day." He left locking the door behind him, normally he would chain you up if he left so your little housewife act must have worked. You waited an hour before even moving from the kitchen, you grabbed a chair and chucked it at the window a couple times shattering it. You ran over to it and climbed out cutting up your hands, arms, legs, and face getting out the window and falling onto the broken glass below. "Stupid fucking heels!"

You stood blood starting to poor from your wounds but you dont have time for that right now. You started running threw back alleys and 'underground' roads only the villains and vigilantes knew about but you know them because Midoriya has a big mouth. Finally you came upon the house you were looking for. You ran over and basically started beating on the door "Who the fuck is-! Oh god F/n what happened to you!? Where have you been!?" "Move he has eyes everywhere!" You pushed him in the house shutting and locking the door behind you before locking the windows and closing the blinds. 

Finally when you were done with the cautionary steps you collapse having no more adrenaline to hold your legs up. Bakugou ran over and scooped you up, he placed you in the bathtub cleaning you up, were he noticed the scars and bruises, before bandaging your fresh wounds and giving you one of his t-shirts. You both sat on his couch, tea in hand as you explained everything thats happened to you since you and Midoriya 'disappeared' after high school. "F/n I promise you I won't let him hurt you ever again."  

Being held by Bakugou as you cried was the safest you felt in a while. He called some of his sidekicks and set them up around the house and yard, he said it was to put your mind at ease but your no idiot the reason you were so easily allowed to run threw the underground is because the villains know your deku's and if they touched you they would die in a horrible way. And Bakugou is no idiot, he suspects deku will send someone, probably a low level replaceable villain, to collect 'whats his' he didn't go threw all that trouble to get you for nothing.

"Bakugou are you sure you wanna sleep on the couch? I dont mind sharing your bed with you." He shook his head sitting on the couch decked out in his full hero mission gear "Its alright F/n, go up to bed and get some rest I need to stay and watch my sidekicks." "Alright, see you in the morning." He gave you a thumbs up as you walked up stairs and to the bedroom. The sting of your cuts when they made contact with anything made it hard to sleep but soon you finally were able to ignore it and fall into unconsciousness. 

You woke to a loud thud sound, you shot up to see the hinges on the bedroom door break and the door fly to the wall. Glowing green eyes full of anger faced you "Every time you leave the house you manage to hurt someone, did it ever cross your mind that I keep you locked up for other people's safety." Before you could ask what he meant he threw Bakugou's bloody mask at you and you started shaking as tears started streaming down your face "No." He came over and ripped you out the bed "Now come on you've caused enough suffering to others tonight darling."

(791 Words)

Requested by: Rose_Of_Truth

Another blond  bites the dust 😂

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