Freeze 3 {Villain Midnight x Mic x Eraser}

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You were tidying up when the door opened, you smiled as Mic ripped you off the ground and into a hug "Welcome home, how was it today?" Midnight patted your head "Let's not talk about work at home, we swung by your favorite place and got dinner." You all slumped onto the couch food in hand as you turned on the tv to some show Mic is in love with. They all sat leaning to get closer to you as you ate watching the tv. After dinner you stood with a stretch "Im gonna shower then hit the hay, are you guys coming to bed tonight?"

All three nodded before you walked away, once you were out of ear shot Aizawa put down the food he had barely touched with a sigh "Dont you two feel guilty?" Mic's smile dropped as he stood cracking his back "Of course we do, but everything was for her own good." Midnight nodded "We did what we had to Sho, you know that better than any of us." Aizawa nodded "Guess your right, besides at least shes smiling again." 

(204 Words)

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