Risk {1A}

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Another ceiling panel fell causing a mini exposition due to the fire below, you stopped looking back. A second later Bakugou grabbed your arm "Come on H/n, theres nothing more we can do." "But-" He shook his head "Sometimes you cant save everyone." You yanked your shoulder from him "Thats bullshit!" You took off running before he could grab you again. You managed to get into the room and grab the unconscious women, you put her in a fireman hold and started going again. Before you could make it to the exit the roof started collapsing harder.

Midoriya's hand reached out and you made a split second distention, you threw the women. He caught her and had no choose but to run off to get her to an ambulance for assistance breathing. You started running again butt the whole wall next to you feel causing you to jump out the way and land on your ass your arm landed directly in a patch of fire causing you to scream out and jump to your feet. The building was so full of dark smoke at that point you couldn't see in front you any longer. You dropped to the floor as the roof started caving in above you, you closed your eyes as you felt your lungs burning...At least you saved that women.

You opened your eyes and saw a blinding light above you. You tried moving your arms but you were so tried that failed, next you tried to speak but it only came out as a crock into the breathing mask. It caught someones attention though and soon Kirishima's head was above yours blocking the light "Shes up! Go get the others!" He helped you sit up and took the mask off to help you drink water, your throat was so dry he had to grab your second cup as well. "Thank." It came out horse and weak "How long was I out?" "A week."

You nodded and looked down, your right arm the one that ended up in the fire, was wrapped up tight. Your old classmates and now coworkers all entered the room and Kirishima smiled "No one wanted to go home so we've all been taking shifts waiting for you to wake." You nodded and after many, many, lectures you got to sigh your discharge papers and choose Kaminari's car to ride in. Everyone pulled up to the apartment complex, after three years of living together you guys decided to stay living together so Todoroki bought this place so it could just be for 1A and turned the lobby into a living room for everyone and then everyone has their own living rooms in their apartments. You went right to your apartment to change your wrap but the rest stayed int the joint living room.

"Thats what the 6th time just this month shes ended up in the ICU! She cant keep this up she's gonna destroy herself or worse get herself killed like she almost did this time!" Everyone nodded before another person spook up "She values her hero work over hero own life, shes gonna die sooner than later if we dont put a stop to this." Midoriya finally stopped muttering a spoke up "Theres 18 of us and one of her, lets just lock her in, not like she can escape or fight all of us." They all muttered out agreements as Todoroki locked the front door for the first time since you all moved in. 

(588 Words)

Requested by: marvelrulez

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