Announcement {EraserMic}

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They haven't seen much of you since you moved out a few months ago, they really didn't want you to but neither had the heart to stop you not wanting you to be sad or hate them. You wanted to be a preschool teacher and live on your own like the independent women Aizawa raised you to be. But that independence meant you worked a lot so they only get check in text, random pictures, or late night calls just to chitchat for a bit before bed, but they cherish those moments greatly. 

So when you called Mic asking if you could come over for dinner he didn't let you finish the sentence before he agreed quickly ushering you off the phone again not letting you finish the sentence. Both being retired now Mic ran to find Aizawa, they cleaned the house top to bottom and looked everywhere for their old cook books. The next day couldn't end fast enough because finally at 9 they heard their door bell, Aizawa placed the last plate and they both jogged over to the door. 

Mic swung it open but before he could yank you into a hug he saw Bakugou behind you "Oh, hello Bakugou." Aizawa glanced to you then him "What do we ow the, pleasure?" You gave them both a smile as you grabbed Bakugou's hand and pulled him past your dads and to the kitchen as he looked like he was gonna throw up "You didn't let me finish on the phone, I want to come over for dinner with my boyfriend because I have an announcement for the two of you." They looked to each other before following you into the kitchen to make their 'surprise' guest a plate. 

You guys ate making idle chitchat until dessert came out, you grabbed the bag they noticed Bakugou carrying earlier and pulled it to your lap "Close your eyes." You sounded so excited they smiled and did it without question. They felt something be placed in their hands "Alright open them." They did and then they looked down the color quickly draining from their face.

They looked up at your excited face, Mic quickly stood putting on his Present Mic smile as he hurried around the table and yanked you off the ground and into a hug "Im a funpa!" You giggled "God your puns suck

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They looked up at your excited face, Mic quickly stood putting on his Present Mic smile as he hurried around the table and yanked you off the ground and into a hug "Im a funpa!" You giggled "God your puns suck." Aizawa came over and placed his hand on top of Bakugou's head "Congratulations you two." Bakugou's tenseness dispersed, clearly no longer worried how they would take the announcement. After dessert, and Mic picking the ultrasound up for safe keeping, everyone headed over to the couch to watch some movies.

By the time Bakugou relized the time you were both much to tired to drive safely, or at least thats what Aizawa said as he handed you an extra blanket for the guest bedroom. You were out pretty quickly leaving Bakugou to toss and turn, he hasn't been sleeping well since you two found out you were expecting. He was consistently worried about how your dads would react to the announcement, since he didn't really give either a good first impression. Or how his traditional parents would react, of course he wanted to marry you but not just because you two were expecting, hell would you even say yes!? 

He got up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water to take his mind off everything for a moment. He was drinking when he heard footsteps, he turned to see Mic sleepily walking into the kitchen "Hey Mic-sensei." Mic gave him a smile as he opened the icebox to grab one of the bottles of water "Hello Bakugou, oh since your up do you mind giving me a hand with some boxes. I need to get some stuff from the garage to the attic but me nor Shota are really in our prime anymore." Thats a son-in-law thing to do right? Maybe if he is on their bad side he can wiggle his way onto their good one, and if hes not on the bad side brownie points couldn't hurt right. 

"Sure." He followed Mic to the garage "Shut the door behind you kiddo, Shota's always nagging me about letting the cold air into the house. He acts like we live in the Alaska or something really." Bakugou chuckled as he made sure the door clicked out the sound meaning it was fully shut "Well father like daughter huh." They were both chuckling as Mic pointed to a big box "That one first please." Bakugou leaned down ready for the heaviness but when he lifted it he almost fell back since it was as light as an empty box. 

A sharp pain bursted from the back of his head as he lost footing and fell "Shit Hizashi that was loud." Aizawa bent down in front him as he groaned in pain "Give me the pipe, i'll finish up here you go grab the cleaning supplies." Bakugou heard the door quickly open and shut again before Aizawa stood lifting the pipe over his head and bashing it right into Bakugou's face. They knelt together scrubbing the blood off the floor of the garage "I dont nag that much, do I?" Mic took a paper towel and wet it before rubbing the blood splatter off Aizawa face and giving him a quick kiss "Yes, literally all the time." 

(1011 words)


Ok but EraserMic having a cute little domestic moment while cleaning up their crime scene 😭 honestly, relationship goals 🤞💞

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