Sound Proof 2 {Mic}

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You had accepted your fate hours ago letting Mic squeeze you in his arms while you rested your head on his shoulders listening to all his stories about his best friend ",yeah I think thats it, still cant believe I never told you about Aizawa- Oh you still dont know what he looks like huh, hold on." He yanked out his phone and after a second he handed it to you,

"He really doesn't like taking photos so I dont have any 'good' clear ones of him" When he heard you start to respond he was surprised, sure the punishment was to talk to each other but he didn't actually think you would contribute much to the con...

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"He really doesn't like taking photos so I dont have any 'good' clear ones of him" When he heard you start to respond he was surprised, sure the punishment was to talk to each other but he didn't actually think you would contribute much to the conversation "Well I still dont really know this Aizawa guy well but he sounds like someone I would get along with, and he kinda hot." Mic kept smiling but you calling someone, no not just someone his best friend, hot when you've never complemented his looks made him feel a center way. 

As he saw you smile at the phone an idea struck him, he should introduce you to Aizawa, you said it yourself the two of you would get along and he might get you to open up more. Not only that but he could get his two favorite little introverts together. You stopped going threw the phone gallery titled '🖤Aizawa🖤' and looked up noticing Mic had gone uncharacteristically quite. He was just staring off in space with a stupid smile plastered across his face. You moved yourself from casually lounging to straddling his lap to look him in his eyes but he didn't acknowledge your movements.

It worried you since normally he cant keep himself off you "Yamada?" He doesn't like anyone, especially you, calling him his surname so you thought it would catch his attention but it didn't. Now your worried worried. You leaned over to get closer to his ear and shook him a bit "Hi-Hizashi?" Your voice soft and full of concern echoed in his head. He turned to you smiling with a hum of recognition "Are you alright?" He wrapped his arms around your waist but didn't squeeze, just letting them rest their "Why dont you go take a shower songbird, i'll grab your clothes for you, just go enjoy some alone time." 

You perked up at alone time "Alright!" You hopped off his lap and hurried off to the shower causing him to laugh. Once he heard the water turn on he grabbed his phone,


Since I know you worry just wanted to let you know
I made it home from patrol, im going to bed now

Alright 👍 good night



Hey I want you to come over and meet someone 


I'll do all your grading for a month, come over!!

Again busy Mic

I'll take Midoriya off your hands for a whole week

Be there in five

Go ahead and take your time


Mic jumped up and ran to his room, he picked out an outfit he thinks you look super cute in and hurried off to the bathroom. He opened the door and placed the clothing on the counter "Just dropping your clothes off, dont take to long I dont wanna miss you to much." He went around and fixed everything up before making a few different snacks and starting a kettle for tea.

You walked out into the living room as Mic was placing the snacks on the coffee table. He gave you a smile before leading you back to the bathroom to handle your hair "You seem really excited all of a sudden." "Oh I wanted it to be a surprise but I cant hold it in, Aizawa's coming over!" You nodded as you let him finish up with your hair. When you both got back into the living room a knock came on the door, he got even more giddy as you sat on the couch. 

He basically jogged to the door, He threw it open and yanked the man you now know to be Aizawa into a tight hug. He then pulled him over to the couch "Aizawa, meet my fiance F/n L/n!" Aizawa's eyes widened as you gave him a single wave. He sat at the other edge of couch leaving the middle cushion, the one closest to you, for Mic but Mic pushed him onto it  and took the edge for himself "Come on I know you guys are people of few words but the silence is killing me yo." Aizawa rolled his eyes "Hi." "Sup."

The tea kettle whistled and Mic hopped up "Dont have to much fun without me you two." When he was gone Aizawa turned back to you "Your marrying that?" You chuckled "Trust me im more surprised then you- Oh are those cat shaped?" You both turned to the cat shaped cookies on the table before leaning to grab one. When Mic came back with a tray of tea he saw you both of the floor coddling the cat Mic got for you a while back. Once he was able to coax you both to sit back on the couch with him he turned on your favorite serial killer documentary and sat back. Not halfway threw he turned to mention something to the two of you but saw that you and Aizawa were leaning on each other. He knew Aizawa would fall for the drugged tea but for how many times hes done it to you he thought you at least be warier of the drink but hes still able to get you, so cute.

He hurried off to his room and came back kneeling in front Aizawa. He clasped your spare quirk erasing cuff on Aizawa's ankle. Ah! He just loves his introverts so much!  

(989 Words)

Original Idea From: ziakitty

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