Parents 2 {Aizawa}

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Aizawa walked into the house and was immediately pounced on by you "Welcome home!" He chuckled as he picked you up to hold you on his hip like a toddler "How was your day kitten?" "Present Meow finally let me pet him." He started making his way from the genkan to the couch "Lucky, hes still a bit skittish around me." He plopped onto the couch with you sat on his lap "What do you wanna do now?" "That show we like came out with a new episode, i've been waiting all day for you to get home so we could watch it." 

He nodded as he grabbed the remote to click the show on, after the end credits rolled he took out his phone to order the two of you dinner realizing he doesn't have time to cook today. "Can I play that cat game on your phone?" "Sure bub." He handed you the phone before grabbing his grading book and starting his work to pass time for the delivery. You two ate pizza as you watched cat videos together. 

Once you were full Aizawa sent you up to clean up and get ready for your bedtime as he went back to grading. He sighed rubbing his eyes before turning to the clock 12:45, he grabbed his scarf from the couch cushion beside him as he stood with a stretch. He slowly, as to not cause the door to creak, opened your bedroom door to find you fast asleep your nightlight illuminating your peacefully sleeping face. He never makes noise when walking but he was extra careful when he makes his way across your room to bend down and plant a kiss on your forehead "Sweet dreams kitten." He turned and went to walk out "Be safe dad." Aizawa couldn't stop the wide smile that plastered across his face even if he wanted to as he closed the door to your room hearing you roll over to get comfy and go back to sleep.

Sure nothing about this is normal I mean he technically kidnapped you and your not aloud anywhere other than inside the house or the privacy fenced off back yard but, you've never had a parent love and care for you as much as Aizawa does. Its not normal but you wouldn't trade this for anything.

(398 Words)

Requested by: 09w5g8

A happy ending?  ....Weird

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