50 Yard Stare {Shirikumo}

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Shirikumo propped you up on the couch before leaving you there to go to the kitchen. Sushi hopped onto your lap meowing for attention as you stared off with that stupid 50 yard stare arms dangling limply at your sides. When Sushi relized her attempts weren't working she jumped up with her paws on your chest and back legs still on your lap so she could meow in your face but still you barely blinked.

Oboro came back and shooed Sushi off you before sitting next to you "I made your favorite breakfast." He grabbed the feeding tube's end and connected it to syringe making sure to be careful while 'feeding you'. Once your breakfast was over he pulled you limply into his lap and watched the news eating his own breakfast. He glanced at the clock "Oh shit, Sho will kill me if im late to work again." He picked you up and brought you to your bed, tucking you in he kissed your forehead as you did nothing but stare out in space behind him.

He put Sushi away so she wouldn't bother you and went off to work. Once home he let Sushi out and brought you down stairs again to sit with him on the couch while he graded. Once that was finally out the way he went to the kitchen and got your dinner and helped you eat. He ate his own dinner then feed Sushi before bringing you to the bathroom stripping you and placing you in the bathtub so he could wash you. He slipped a clean pair of pajamas on you and carried you to bed for snuggles.

That was the first few weeks, its been a couple months now and Shirikumo cant take it any longer! At first he just thought it was a little rebellion then he got really worried about you but now, now hes just annoyed. You need to stop being so childish and speak to him, you need to eat, stop ignoring Sushi, bath yourself, dress yourself. Your being such a baby. Anger turns to sadness when a few more months role around, was this his fault? Had he pushed a boundary a bit to far? Where you doing this to teach him a lesson?

He walked into your room after a tough day at work "Cloud 9? You up?" You only stared at the ceiling in your own little world and he broke down balling his eyes out as he dropped to his knees "F/n!? Please! You... You can hit me if you like! You wanna shout at me I promise I wont punish you for it! Please do anything! Anything! Just show me your still in there somewhere!" Again you did nothing but stare at the ceiling as he sobbed harder into his own hands.

(472 Words)

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