Sleep {Mic}

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You were in the kitchen getting a drink when he came home, you peaked threw the doorway that connected the kitchen to the living room since you didn't hear his normal yell of 'Hunny im home!' You peaked threw just in time to see him take his sunglasses off, his normal bright cheery eyes were now dulled and almost hollow, the bags under them becoming prominent without the glasses to hide them, his signature Present Mic smile dropped as he rubbed his probably sore cheeks. He let out a sigh mixed with sadness and tiredness as he pulled off and dropped his directional speaker by his boots before walking off to his study. 

He stayed in his study for the rest of the day, he didn't even come out to make dinner so you reheated leftovers from the day before and went to bed. Hours later you woke to the feeling of being watched intensely, you slowly sat up and jumped with a yelp when you spotted a figure sitting on the edge of your bed in your almost completely dark room. "Sorry songbird I didn't mean to scare you." His voice sounded so hoarse. You leaned over and clicked your bedside lamp on, tears were streaming down his face, it was kinda weird to see the always happy go lucky man cry from sadness "What are you doing?"

He rubbed the back of his neck "I know its creepy but I was watching you sleep. It was peaceful, you know." "Why are you crying then?" he took a deep shaky breath as he closed his eyes before explaining he just found out his thought to be dead for 14 years friend is sorta alive but also still kinda dead and is being used in a plan to destroy hero society and his other friend wont talk to him about it, in all honesty you didn't understand a lot of what he said but you understood it was clearly eating at him. 

He opened his eyes in surprise when he felt you throw yourself into his arms, sure you had started tolerating him but you still hadn't really let him touch you. Slowly his arms closed around you returning the hug "Dont cry Hizashi." You wanted to tell him everything would be ok but you couldn't, it didn't fill right to tell him that when you know you cant guarantee it. He sniffled as he felt you pull him down with you to lay beside you in the bed, he pulled you close burying his face in your chest as you ran your fingers soothingly threw his flat down hair until he was out cold. He really couldn't ask for a better songbird.

(478 Words) 

Didn't mean to post all Mic today but im not complaining, you dickwads are prolly gonna come for me tho {Still love yall tho🤣}

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