Reverse Savoir {Kaminari}

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{This is third person pov, you are the she} {I didn't edit this one}

This is just Savoiur but if the roles were reversed,

Kaminari was walking home after what felt like a way to long school day when he was tackled to the ground, in his panic his hero training kicked in and he grabbed the girl twisting her around and pinned her to the ground under him placing his knee in her back. The girl below him started thrashing and screaming, still panicking he slammed his hands over her mouth "If you stop screaming i'll move my hand, alright?" The girl under him nodded and he moved his hand before helping her stand back up. When she was up he was able to get a better look at her beat up malnourished form.

"Are you ok?" She hesitated before shaking her head no "Come with me, I can help you." He held out his hand and slowly she took it. Kaminari lead her to his apartment since both his parents are away on business he just walked threw the front door and sat her a the table. He got a bottle of water and made to sandwiches before sitting down in front her scooting the bottle and plate to her. She looked at the food then back to him like he would hit her if she grabbed it "Hey you can eat it, its good." He took a bite of his own food "See." Slowly she picked up and once realizing nothing bad would happen she scarfed it down.

After 'dinner' he handed her one of his moms nightgowns "This is all I have that will kinda fit you, that bathroom is that way so you can take a shower." He opened the door and turned the water on  for her before quickly leaving. After an hour the girl finally came out and now clean Kaminari could now see the old and fresh wounds "Do you have a name?" She nodded "Battery." "Battery?" Again she nodded then held her hand up, little lighting sparks came from her palm and he smiled before raising his own hand and doing the same to the girls delight. 

He pulled the pull out couches bed out "Alright battery, you can sleep on the couch tonight then tomorrow i'll bring you to my sensei, he'll know what to do." She nodded as she climbed onto the bed "Name?" "Oh right! You can call me Denki!" "Night Denki." "Yeah goodnight."

The next day Kaminari woke the girl up after making them both breakfast, he gave her one of his moms dresses and they both headed out. He decided to walk as to not overstimulate the girl with all the people on the train. Once at the school he knocked on the teachers lounge door and waited, soon Hound Dog's voice came from the over side "Come in!" The girl jumped and he imminently grabbed her hand "Its ok, their nice, promise." He opened the door and was imminently ripped from the girl being throw to the back of the room with Mic as the girl was wrapped in Aizawa's scarf screaming once more.

He ripped himself out Mic's grip and ran over throwing Aizawa's scarf off her before pulling her into his arms "Its ok, its ok, its just a misunderstanding, calm down." Aizawa looked pissed "Kaminari! Who is that and why did you bring her to the school!?" He explained everything he knew and all the teachers protection of a student turned to worry for a victim. Aizawa tried to get the girl to come with him to Recovery Girl, when she refused Midnight tried but in the end Aizawa had to escort her with Kaminari because she refused to leave his side. 

Once their the girl was laid on an exam table so Recovery Girl could check her Kaminari and Aizawa just outside the closed curtain "You can head to class now Kaminari, i'll call you back once this is done." "But sir I dont think I should leave her, shes clearly scared and me being here." Aizawa sighed "Alright go sit over there this might take a bit." Kaminari isn't sure how but he must have dozed off since he was shaken awake by Aizawa, he quickly turned to the girl but found she was also asleep. Aizawa gave him a quick rundown of the things they found out about "Battery" She was kidnapped at 5 to be used as a battery for a bunch of crooks and apparently they didn't treat her to kindly, and what they found from running her finger prints and blood.

He gave Kaminari a manila folder before straightening up "I have lunch duty but I promise to send someone to check on you two in a bit, i'll be back soon in the mean time read those papers." "Yes sir." After he left Kaminari opened the folder

Name: F/n L/n
Age: {Age}
(Age last seen: 5)
Quirk: Charge, can charge anything by touching it 
Next of kin; Mother: MIA Father: Deceased

Everything else was a detailed rundown of her injuries and such so he closed the folder placing it on the table next to him. A few minutes later L/n start to wake up "Hey, L/n." She looked ready to cry "Oh! Wait! I-!" She grabbed his wrist "Call me F/n." "Ok." "Join me?" He shrugged before crawling into the bed, if it makes her feel better then cuddling for a bit wont hurt anyone, right? He let her snuggle into his chest and close her eyes once more, he woke to someone poking his check, he opened his eyes to see Mic "Arn't you two just adorable."

When he realized he was still cuddling her he quickly sat up "Did Aizawa send you to check on us?" "Nah, lunch has been over little listener, he actually sent me to wake you two up because its time to go home." He stood grabbing his backpack "Whats gonna happen to F/n?" He handed Kaminari two bags and laughed at his confused expression "UA has decided to take her in to help with controlling her quirk and get used to people again , but between you and me I think Aizawa was just itching for a reason to expel Mineta."

Kaminari laughed as he put the two bags into his book sack "Oh and Kaminari since she seems most comfortable around you your her garden till she can be with others and not freak." "Yes sir." Once Mic was gone Kaminari woke the girl up and gave her some clothing that will actually fit and pointed her to the curtained off bed. Once she had the outfit on her could clearly see how bandaged up she was, since 5, "Hey do you wanna hit the park before we head home?" "Home?" "Oh right! Did Aizawa-sensei tell you wants happening?" "That scary looking dude? Yeah he said I start class tomorrow." "Well you get to live with me! So park?" "Yeah I like the park.

They both walked out Recovery Girl's office hand in hand, at L/n's request, and started heading down the hallway. He heard some people yelling his name and turned to see class 1A walking up to him. She hid behind him like a shy toddler "Hey guys, whats up?" Midoriya walked ahead "This must be the L/n Aizawa told us about, hi im Midor-" "Denki I wanna go home." "Yeah what ever you want, i'll catch up with you guys later, promise." He turned grabbing the girls and and walking out the building "Instead of the park can we just go home, and uh, maybe we can not start class tomorrow?" Kaminari smiled before texting Aizawa "Yeah we're excused for two whole days so we can stay in and get to know each other better." 

(1313 Words)

Requested by: DraconiumWolf

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