Rent A Dad {Mic}

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Mic went to the radio station in his casual clothing to get some paperwork done so he doesn't have to try and do that plus grade since finals where coming up. He waves and greets his workers and interns as he heads to his office, then he saw you carrying a box of wires "Hey little listener, what are you doing here?" "Just exchanging some wires in the studio." His smile changed into confusion "I dont you guys you could take the day off and have some fathers day fun." You laughed "Trust me I would rather exchange the wires." 

You went to walk by the he grabbed the box from you setting it off the side "Well then how about a rent a dad for the day." You laughed harder "Your so funny Mic-san." He grabbed both your shoulders and started pushing you to the door "Come on no harm in getting to have a nice day right, besides you deserve a break you work harder then some of my actual employees." You guys walked to his car and he opened the door for you before running around to his side to get in. He buckled up and started driving "Alright were should we go?" You shrugged "Your dads never brought you to the zoo or out to eat?" You shook your head.

Mic knew from the phone calls he overheard you and your dad arnt on good terms but he thought at least maybe when you were younger he did something with you. Mic frowned for a second but his Present Mic smile returned full force "Alright then, I know exactly what were doing today!" He started driving as he flipped the radio on, you two pulled up at the zoo, you laughed as you turned to him "Dont you think your a bit to old for this?"  He booped your nose "Your not so lets go." 

He dragged you around the whole zoo and insisted until you caved and let him buy you stuff at the gift shop. After that he took you to a little fancy-ish restaurant to get dinner. Once you were both back in the car you took your phone out to check it, since Mic made you put it on airplane mode to enjoy the day properly. 20 missed calls from your dad and 30 messages, you looked sick so Mic looked over your shoulder and saw the threats, he patted your shoulder "Whats wrong?" You put on a smile "Just missed my curfew, can you hurry and take me home?" Oh fuck that "Well if you've already missed it why dont you just spend the night and I can take you to school tomorrow."

You looked like you wanted to refuse so Mic snatched the phone out your hand "Dont worry, i'll call your fokes when we get to my house im sure a pro heroes promise will ease their mind." You gave him a smile "Alright." Once you got to his house he let you both in and gave you some spare clothing so you could shower "Ill call your fam while your in there." You nodded and ran off as he opened the contacts. Once he heard the bathroom door fully shut he took your phone to the kitchen and hit it with a meat cleaver till it was crumbled before throwing it away. 

He walked up and knocked on the bathroom door "They said it was fine! Im heading to bed two doors down on the left is the guest bed room! Good night!" He heard a bit of fumbling "Night dad!" You said it with sarcasm but he smiled non the less, because he is your dad now.

(623 Words)

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