Emotions {1A + Aizawa}

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❣️ For Aizawa 

"You know your quirk is kinda like Shinsou's" You only started back at Midoriya with that blank expression you always more, Sero leaned over "Mido is right, but yours seems more powerful then his." You gave one slow nod face never changing "L/n!" You turned to the voice, Aizawa "Your up, go!" You jogged over to the training ring, you got in a fighting stance in front Kaminari "Hey babe, when this is over we should get lunch some ti-" Your eyes started glowing black and a second later so did his. He started crying so hard he he gasping for air and Aizawa called the match, your win.

Your quirk, emotion puppet, allows you to take control of someones emotions and force them to feel however you want them too for as long as their under your quirk. Its a powerful quirk of course but it has a shitty drawback, you have a hard time feeling emotions and when you do get a flicker of one you have a hard time expressing it. Most of the time you feel absolutely nothing, your mom has your quirk and she says once you master it your emotions will come to you a lot easier you just have to be patient. Its why your here in the first place, you have no interest in becoming a hero you just want to feel something other then hollowness and the UA teachers can help you master your quirk faster then your mother. 

You were walking away as Aizawa wrote his notes "L/n, can I speak to you for a moment?" You nodded and went over as he tucked the clipboard under his arm. His other arm came up and he grabbed your shoulder giving it a firm, what you think is comforting, squeeze "You ok, you look more down then usual." You told Aizawa about your quirk, and the problems you have with it, and he used his quirk to see if that would help but it didn't. He tried to help you feel emotions but he wasn't really the best at it. You didn't put on a smile, you used to when you were young to fit in but you didn't have the energy for that anymore.

"Just," you sighed "Im sick of not feeling anything, im trying to be patent but its hard. I've been talking to some doctors and one told me theres this experimental pills that could weaken my quirk so I can have emotions. Im thinking of dropping the hero course and sighing up to be the first tester for the pill." Aizawa frowned "Thats very dangerous, its experimental never tested before. And your quirk is so powerful you cant let a little set back make you get ride of it or damage it greatly."

Your face didn't change, you didn't feel guilty or sad just empty, Aizawa gave you another firm squeeze  "How about you come over to my house Friday, the whole class can, and we give one more try before you decide." You had a soft spot for Aizawa, he reminded you of your father who passed when you were younger. You nodded blankly and he smiled shooing you away so he could finish class. 

That Friday everyone in 1A, Eri, Aizawa, his husband Mic, and you all sat on the couch or around it as all kinds of funny movies were played but you just watched with that same bored expression. After Aizawa quickly put Eri to bed since she feel asleep during the movies and came back with cards and a dish of candies "Anyone need to be taught how to play poker?" Aizawa explained the rules before handing out the cars and candies to be used as currency. Mic decided not to play so he could narrate the game with a little over the top animated voice. 

By the second time he used it everyone heard a snort, everyone turned to see you laughing bright smile across your face. When you stopped laughing a small smile stayed across your face. Aizawa wasn't the only one who reminded you of you dad, him and Mic shared humor. Kirishima was the first to speak "You've got a really pretty smile L/n." Your face heated up a bit "You think so? I, uh, im not sure I like it." Aoyama gave a laugh "Your smile shines brighter then even moi!" All of 1A nodded and started muttering their agreements. 

You stood abruptly never having felt this much happiness? Embarrassment? Your not really sure "Uh, Aizawa wheres the restroom?" Aizawa pointed it out before you booked it to collect yourself away from preying eyes. They all turned to Mic with huge smiles, hes not sure whats going on, and he didn't ask questions, but he should have because now that they've seen your smile and they know he can make it happen again neither of you are ever gonna be out their sight.

(834 Words)

Requested by: NightWing39

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