Raining {Shigaraki}

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You were sitting on your couch watching the news about this storm that was rolling in when a knock came at the door, its fucking pouring outside who could possibly be stupid enough to pay you a visit at this time? You went over and cracked the door open as far as you could with the chain still being locked to see no other then Tomura Shigaraki "If your here to try and get me to come back to the league then-" He held both his hands up to his chest in a surrender motion "Im not, promise." You gave him a skeptical look "Then what are you doing here?" As if on cue cop lights lit up the dark road below "That, and the rain."

You sighed as you closed the door to unlock it before pulling it open in a hurry for him to shuffle in "Your lucky im feeling nice today." He started taking his shoes and coat off as you shut and locked the door back before making sure the curtains were drawn "So what did you do now?" "...Better you not know." "Fair, tea?" He nodded as he headed off to the bathroom so you went to the kitchen and turned the kettle on. A few minutes later he came into the kitchen and sat at the table "So... how have things been since, you know, we parted." You shrugged "Nice I guess, lot less running from the cops thats for sure."

You heard him let out a little chuckle he was clearly trying to keep in as you brought the tea over and sat at the table with him "How have you been?" "Fine, I guess." You let out a sigh as your fingers tapped the side of the tea cup "...This is so awkward." He let out a relived sigh "Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one." You used to be a ruthless vigilante and once in the league you and Shigaraki started dating but due to some metal stuff you dropped vigilantism all together and told Shigaraki you needed some space. After the weird break up you quickly moved out and into this small apartment on the bad side of town, now your trying to be a normal member of society, its going good so far.

After the moment of weird silence Shigaraki spoke again "I lied, I did come for a hideout but I also came to-" He was cut off by your phone, that had been abandoned on the table to make tea, start ringing. You both turned to it,

"Shit, I need to take that, stay here

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"Shit, I need to take that, stay here." You picked it up and hurried off to the bedroom shutting and locking the door behind you. After a moment he followed placing his ear to the door, he can only hear you though,

"Hey Zashi."


"Yeah I was watching the news, it sounds pretty bad too."


"I dont think my apartments that bad off."


"No your right, your house is probably better to withstand it. I'll pack a bag, enough for a week."


"Alright see you then... Please drive safe, I love you." 


You hung up and opened the door to be meet with him standing right in front you looking pissed as hell. "I love you? I love you!? How fucking have you been cheating on me?" You backed up a bit "Im not cheating, we broke up, and you need to leave because hes gonna be here soon, unless you want to go to jail." He grabbed your throat with four finger "One, we didn't break up you said you 'wanted space', to me thats not a break up. And two does he even know you used to kill heroes? Does he know you were the league, with me?"

"Yes! He doesn't care, hes helping me rehabili-" His grip tightened and you clawed as his arm trying weakly to get him off you "Come with me willingly or I take this whole fucking apartment building down and forcefully drag you out the ruble." You tried to speak but his grip was to tight, he loosened his grip causing you to cough before speaking "I-I'll go with you, just dont hurt those innocent people." He shook his head "That hero scum has made you weak, the F/n I love would never beg much less for insignificant people. But thats okay, i'll bring her back, no matter the cost." You smile dropped when his other hand, all five fingers, smacked the wall that you shared with your neighbor.

(777 Words)

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