Black Cat {SeroRoki}

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"Shit!" You moved just in time as the whole cabinet came crashing down right next to you, a plate came loose and hit you in the head causing you to rear back and trip falling flat on your ass as you hands flew up to were the plate had hit you "Stupid fucking quirk!" You moved your hands and saw the thick red blood covering them "Why me!" Your quirk, black cat, causes you to have extremely bad luck and yeah while this does sound bad the worst thing your quirk has done to you is bring Todoroki and Sero into your life, speaking of those two.

"Are you alright?" Sero helped you to your feet his eyes blowing wide when he saw the blood running down your face "Shoto go get the medical supplies please." He ran off and Sero picked you up and sat you on the kitchen counter grabbing a rag quickly wetting it and applying it to the gash "How did you manage to do this?" "I was just trying to get a cup." He shook his head "Some people just arn't meant to take care of themselves." It was muttered to himself but you still heard it and it annoyed you "I can take care of myself!" He shook his head "Yeah, and what would you have done if me and Shoto hadn't saved you that day?"

You huffed, they did save your life "Whatever." Before he could retort Todoroki came back with the first aid kit "Is it bad?" "Just a gash, I need..." Their voices faded into background noise as you thought about how different things could be if you were born with any quirk other then this one.

(291 Words)

Requested by: Minnie_XD_yandere

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