Mommy Issues {Assorted}

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Inko Midoriya - Being Overly Sensitive


You were making your bed on the couch with the spare pillow and blanket Ms. Midoriya gave you, sadly its not a pullout but you can make due, not like its the most uncomfortable place you've had to sleep before. Izuku and Inko were in the kitchen setting the table "So, is this the first time something like this has happen to her?" Midoriya looked away sweat starting to beading down his forehead, Inko's eyes sharpened "Dont lie to your mother Izuku."

He sighed glancing around to make sure you weren't in ear shot "It happens a lot, her and her mom get in a fight and she throws her out. The longest her mom made her leave is only like three days tops then she drags her back home." Inko frowned "Where does she normally go?" "Couch surfs if she can, if she cant..." Izuku trailed off but Inko got the gist, your such a sweet girl shes know you for years and its eating at her that she didn't realize sooner. You walked in and both panicked a bit as they went back to quickly setting the table.

You sat at your seat a bowl of katsudon sat in front you "Thank you Ms. Midoriya," She notice you tear up "I really cant think you enough, I was afraid I was gonna have to sleep under a bridge again- Im talking to much im sorry-" Inko patted your head as she placed a cup in front you "Its alright dear, you dont have to think me, its what any good mother would do for someone they see as a daughter." She sees you as a daughter? You stood quickly trying to hide the obvious tears streaming down your face "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom."

Dinner went by quietly and soon you retreated to your couch for the night, Inko came over and handed you a nightgown "Sorry dear, its all I have." You gave her a smile, a real smile "Its alright, thank you." You changed and laid down covering up and throwing your arm over your eyes to try and sleep, but it never came. You tossed and turned for what felt like hours. You sat up with a huff and went over to the kitchen to make a glass of water, then went to the bathroom. When you were walking out you came across Inko "Oh did I wake you Ms. Midor-" 

"No dear, I couldn't sleep so I went to check on you but you weren't there and I got worried." She checked on you? She was worried about you? "Are you alright?" You came out your mind and frowned, she someone you can tell the truth with right "No, I cant sleep." You were waiting for the 'then close your eyes and stop moving to much' but instead came "Do you want to come in my bed, I know the couch is like a rock." You went to bed with her letting her pull you to her chest " The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms, But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, So I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray."

You started crying into her chest as she stroked your head. She was going to check on you and go back to sleep but when she saw your mom texting you to come home she snatched your phone, that women you call mom is not a mother and she will never be, you need her because Inko is the only one who can be a good mother to you.


Midnight - Lack Of Confidence 


Everyone was enjoying their day, even the teachers. Nezu said a 'day off' would be good for everyone so a beach trip was organized and here everyone is. You sitting under an umbrella off to the side in a white shirt and blue shorts. You were reading when you felt two feminine hands clasp your shoulders "Why arn't you in the water with everyone else?" Its Midnight-sensei "I, uh, forgot my bathing suit." She giggled as she pulled you up "Dont worry the teachers went shopping yesterday a brought some extra's for this exact purpose come on. 

She brought you over to the changing tent and pushed you in as she grabbed her beach bag. Your sweating and not from the sun, the bathing suit shes wearing is, uh, well... a bit much.


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Dont get it wrong, its pretty and very pretty on her but you could never pull it off, if thats what shes wearing your freaking out about what shes gonna give you. "This one!" She yanked it out her bag before turning to you "Close your eyes, your gonna love it." You closed your eyes and she turned you before ripping your shirt off over your head "AH!" She giggled "Calm down im just changing you, I want it to be a surprise." You felt her pull the bathing suit up "Open!"

" You felt her pull the bathing suit up "Open!"

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^Your Suit

"I notice you dont like showing to much skin so I grabbed one Aizawa bought." You frowned, this is still a lot more skin "Can I have my shirt?" "Why, I can hold it for you-" "No I wanna wear it over this." Midnight frowned "But why? You look adorable!" "I dont know, I also dont think my mom would be to happy if she saw me in this." Midnight had to hide her scowl, that bitch you call a mother can suck it. Your always poking and pulling at your body because of all the things she says to you, Midnight over hears it and she wants to knock that bitch off her high horse but she needs to help you first.

She yanked you out the dressing tent before you could object and your face burned when you saw Midoriya, he had spilled something on his shorts and he was walking with All Might to change "Wow L/n your bathing suit is really cute, you look good." "Thanks." Midnight took your hand and walked you over to wear she was sitting. You've never had so many people come up to you, not Midnight, you! By the end of the trip Midnight saw you in the ocean with your friends not worried about how your body looked or moved. Everyone packed up and Midnight gave you back your clothing, she smiled wider then you put them in your bag instead of putting them on. 

You were walking to go to the bus when she stopped you "I can drive you home, I have to head that way anyways." You got into her back seat and leaned back listening to the music, all the fun had worn you out and you fell asleep. She smiled as she glanced into the rear view mirror, driving right past your house.

{Wanting to cry because I looked up plus size cute bathing suits and shit like this popped up, , like bitch my chubby ass would like cute "reveling" bathing suits too} 

(1270 Words)

Requested by: Yum_Yum_Conny_

You said I could pick character and I couldn't decide which I wanted  to do so I did both 

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