Slip {EraserMic}

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You didn't mean to slip into your little mindset but everything's just been so stressful and scary lately that it just happened.

Mic came in to ask if you were hungry because dinners ready like he does every day but got caught off guard by you curled into yourself on the bed crying, normally if he caught you crying you would throw something at him screaming for him to get away from you so he was confused since you seemed to not even know he was there "You ok Songbird?" You quickly turned your head to him and shook it no before getting up and running to him, you threw your arms around him and buried your face into his chest.

The gears in his head finally started turning, they've been your friends for years, and have been around little you a bunch of times before, so of course little you would seek him for comfort when scared. He smiled, your so cute when you're not desperately trying to claw his eyes out. One of Mic's favorite things is throwing around his hero strength so he grabbed you placing you on his hip like a dad would a toddler "You wanna come eat lunch with me and Shota?" You wiped your eyes before nodding, Mic's not surprised grown you had been refusing food for a couple days so of course little you is hungry.

He carried you on his hip all the way to the table, Aizawa gave him a weird look as he sat you at the table and pushing your chair in before leaving you to make your plate. He went back and placed it in front you starting to cut your food up for you "Our sweet lil baby~ wants to eat with us Sho." It clicked for Aizawa and he smiled as he got you a drink and set it on the side of your plate . You moved to grab the fork from Mic and almost spilled the cup "Sor-" Aizawa cut you off by giving your head a little pat "Its alright kitty cat." He took the cup to the counter before looking around until he finally found the good sized box.

He opened it and started digging around all the little space stuff, all brand new, they bought it for you before taking you so they would be ready when you regressed. Finally he found the sippy cups and grabbed one exchanging the liquid from the normal cup to the spill proof one before giving that one to you and sitting back down to eat again.

Once dinner was over Mic took all the plates and silverware over to the sink. Aizawa picked you up and placed you on the counter next to the sink letting you sit there while they washed dishes. They let you put the ones they finished in the cabinet, Mic standing in front you ready to catch them just in case you dropped one. Once that was handled and the table was wiped down Mic once again placed you on his hip as you yawned, Aizawa smirked "Bedtime?" You scrunched your nose "No." They both laughed at the childlike annoyance in your voice.

Mic wiped a bit of food from your face "Well do you wanna come watch a movie with us in our room, that were the big tv is." You nodded clearly already about to pass out, they both looked to each other with little smiled before making their way to their room. Mic laid you down in the center of the bed as Aizawa grabbed the blanket covering you up, they both crawled in bed on each side of you as Mic turned the tv mounted to the wall on but by the time he had managed to pull up the streaming service you were out cold curled into Aizawa's side. Mic clicked a random movie him and Aizawa like, for background noise, before sliding to curl up to your back laying his arm across both his lovers as both he and Aizawa closes their eyes ready for bed themselves.

(690 Words)

Requested by: 707gaywife

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