𝓜𝔂 Friends {Shirikumo}

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{Oboro is platonic yandere for Aizawa, Midnight, and Mic and romantic for F/n}

The roof has always been the place to hang out for you guys, sneaking up there whenever the chance arouse. You guys meet on the roof, became best friends on that roof, Oboro asked you out on the roof, you two shared your first kiss on that roof, the roof is your sanctuary. So as Oboro sits up there with Sushi he cant fathom why you guys hadn't come up since he texted you all an hour ago. Where are his idiots!? 

He summoned a cloud under him and Sushi and started flowing threw the halls looking for you guys, maybe something bad happened to you guys. What if you guys where hurt!? He stopped and took a breath, he cant think like that unless he wants to freak himself out and lose focus. He was about to pass one of the adjoining halls when he heard you laugh, its the laugh you do when he randomly picks you up with his clouds. He stopped and peaked his head in to scoop it out. He caught sight of first year Usagiyama. 

She had bent and scooped you up with her bicep to hold you over her head as she flexed causing you to let out a laugh, that laugh thats supposed to be for only him. Midnight was hanging on her other bicep using it to swing herself back and fourth amazed at her strength just like you were. Mic and Aizawa were standing in front her asking for her workout routines, this is why you guys ditched him to be alone on the roof?

You got to comfy and let your guard down, bad idea, you lost balance and fell back. Before you could hit the floor a cloud appeared and caught you then floated itself over to Shirikumo as he walked up pretending he had stumbled across you guys "Oh hey cloudy!" You sat up on the cloud and shared a kiss with him "Have you meet Miriko?" "Mmh, I dont think so. Hi im-" "Shirikumo! Yeah your hot ass girlfriend told me about you." She winked at you and you returned the flirtation action jokingly or not it made Shirikumo's blood boil. 

He looked to everyone "I came looking for you guys because I thought something happen, I texted you all an hour and a half ago." Midnight let go of her arm landing on her feet before taking out her phone "Oh shit man! We're so sorry buddy, we hadn't even realized." Mic smiled "Alright Miriko we're gonna head off with Oboro, see you after school!" "Alright see ya!" She walked off and Shirikumo turned to Mic confused "After school?" Aizawa gave him a tried nod "Shes gonna take us to her gym to meet her sensei so we can sigh up for his sparing class." 

You smiled "Isn't Miriko just the best!" Shirikumo gave you a smile "Yeah." The best friend stealing home wreaking whore!

~Years later~

Your hand came to cover your mouth as tears streamed down your face, you started backing up causing your knees to hit your chair causing you to fall into it never taking your eyes off the tv. Aizawa was trying to figure out how to turn the damn tv off without the remote thats been missing for years. Mic was tearing the teachers lounge apart looking for said remote, and Midnight who had went from helping Mic to pulling you into her motherly hug as she ran her fingers threw your hair trying to sooth you even though she was crying herself.

The tv, like always, was playing the news,

"Rabbit Hero: Miriko, killed by league of villain's Tomura Shigaraki. While we are all mourning we would just like to let her wife, F/n Usagiyama aka H/n, that shes in our hearts-" Aizawa gave up on changing the channel or shutting it off and threw his boot, he'll pay for a new one that actually has a god damn remote if he has to. Along with Mic they hurried to join Midnight, it might not be completely soothing to be crying in a big ball together but it was better then crying alone so its ok.

~At The LOV Bar~

"While we're on the topic why did you want me to kill the rabbit hero so bad, she wasn't even in the way of our plans?" Kurogiri never looked up from the glasses he was washing "Im not sure, I just her face alone brought up so much anger-" the glass broke in his grip "Dang, I need to clean that." Yeah, Shigaraki's not gonna question it again.

"Why did you want me to kill the rabbit hero, she wasn't even in the way." Kurogiri never looked up form the glass he was washing "I dont know, just her face alone brought up so much anger. I dont know where it came from but im glad shes gone." 

(830 Words) 

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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