Real {Twice}

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You walked into the small apartment "Jin im home!" Two Jins, one from the bathroom and the other from the kitchen, came running to you grabbing your bag and jacket for you "Hi dear!" Welcome home princess!" You looked to both of them "Very funny Jin, now come on get rid of the clone im ready for bed babe." You turned around to lock the door and something hard hit the back of your head causing you to hit the floor before fully blacking out. You woke tied to a chair a bunch of Jin's circled around you "J-Jin?" They all responded with a "Yes?" 

You sighed "No! Who's the real Jin!" None of them spoke only shifting eyes to each other and your frustration was building up you hate yelling at Jin and have only done it once in the beginning of things before you knew better but this game wasn't funny, it was actually starting to scare you. "Im done playing! Where is Jin!?" They all frowned and spoke together "Im Jin!" You let your head lean all the way back "Alright then, why are there so many Jin's?" The one right in front you laughed.

"We're tired of following Jin's orders so we may have started a little rebellion. Dont worry babe we're just like the original but unlike that ass we dont mind sharing our beloved with each other." You started struggling to get free of the ropes binding you to the chair but it was no use, this is not how you thought your life was gonna be thats for sure.

(271 Words)

Requested by: FuntimeWolfie13

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