Clingy {Sero}

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You opened the door and Sero was immediately pulling you into a hug "Welcome home!" You chuckled "Did you miss me that much, it was only a five day mission." He pulled you even closer "Thats five days to long." You laughed as he backwards walked you both to the couch sitting and pulling you onto his lap, you laid on his chest the silence of each others company. After about two hours of that you felt your eyelids dropping so you pulled yourself out his arms and started making your way to the bedroom "Im gonna go shower, i'll be out real quirk, promise." 

You got in and started washing your hair when you felt him slip in behind you "Cant even shower alone huh?" He moved your hands from your hair and started scrubbing "When have you ever gotten alone time around me?" You giggled "Alright, fair point." You let him wash you before you both slipped out and dried off before getting into some pajamas. He started pulling you towards the bed "Wait Hanta I have paperwork." He yanked you onto the bed and buried his face in your chest "Paperwork tomorrow, cuddles now." You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance "Always so clingy." He huffed "im not clingy. I just missed you, that all. Stop leaving me so much." "I know baby, im back and im not leaving again for a while." You kissed his forehead. No your husband isn't clingy, hes down right obsessed with you... just the way you like it."

(282 Words)

Requested by: iliketolookatmyphone

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