Field Trip {1A}

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You were yanked to Bakugou's chest "Shes gonna be my partner!" Momo frowned "I was hoping L/n could be my partner this time." Sero scoffed "I haven't even gotten a chance to have her as my field trip buddy yet man." They all heard a loud smack sound and turned to see Midnight had slammed a book on the desk after entering the classroom "If your all gonna fight over whos gonna be whos partner then im assigning partners and L/n will be with me." They groaned as she pulled you to her side before listing who was going to be with who.

Once everyone was on the bus Midnight put back on her smile "Alright were going to a museum to check out pre quirk- eh you guys know what I teach. Get comfy and don't get too loud please because this might be a long ride." The bus took off as she sat in her seat next to you, soon the bus pulled right up to the front door of the museum and you heard someone yell out "Weird to not have to fight for our lives just to get to the place were on the field trip for huh guys?" A couple people laughed before everyone got completely quite as Aizawa stepped on the bus "And what does that mean?" "Nothing sensei!"

You all walked into the museum in a big group "Alright get with your partners and hold their hand the whole time!" Everyone walked to their classmate and you walked to Midnight who took her cuffs off and clasped your wrist to hers "I've gotta lead the tour and watch you so this just makes it easier." Well there goes your plan to sneak off and join your class without her knowing. "Wait Ms. Midnight I dont have a partner!" Mineta had his hand raised staring at her "Guess you'll also have to be my-" "Yes your do." Midnight cherped as Aizawa grabbed Mineta's hand "I called Aizawa to be your partner since I stole L/n from you guys."

Mineta frowned as most of the class laughed at his misfortune. You all walked together as Midnight did her tour circling around to the dining hall. She unclasped you as she started speaking  "Alright thirty minute lunch then back to the bus!" You grabbed your lunch and Midoriya waved at you to catch your attention "L/n come sit with us." Before you could move Kaminari speaks up "No dude, you should come sit with us!" You sighed as four other classmates asked you to sit with them "Can't we all just sit together?" They all smiled at you "Sure!"

Everyone got back on the bus, quiet since Aizawa was riding back with you all. And once back at school you booked it to the bathroom, you were practically the first off the bus. Everyone else got out and stretched as the teachers walked off it no longer being their responsibility to watch the kids. Midoriya pulled out his notebook and called everyone over to him "This is the third field trip the teachers had to take L/n from us for arguing over who gets to be her partner so I made a list, dont worry its in alphabetical order excluding Mineta of course to make it as fair as I could. We can follow it down to decide who gets L/n of field trips! So for example for the next field trip Aoyama gets her then after that its Mina's turn then Asui and so on." Everyone nodded clearly happy with the solution, except Mineta of course .

(606 Words)

Requested by: marvelrulez

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