Present {Hizashi x Koi}

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"F/n! Over here!" You smiled when you saw your best friend Koi waving across the street, you rushed over to her throwing yourself into her hug "Hey! Sorry im late." Koi only smiled "Its fine, come on lets get lunch." "Oh I dont have enough mone-" She chuckled pulling out a yellow card "Dont worry its on Zashi." 

After lunch you realized the time "Sorry Koi but i've gotta be up early tomorrow." She stood with you "Alright, let me drive you home." Once inside the truck you began feeling lightheaded "Darling are you alright?" "A bit lightheaded." She placed the back of her hand on your forehead "Oh dear, your burning up, you should rest while we head to your house." "Alright." You only meant to close your eyes but you couldn't fight off the sleep for long. 

Mic shut the door to the house quickly shedding everything but his t-shirt and pants, he slipped his house shoes and began to walk into the living room "Koi!? You home!?" "Shh!" He jumped a bit "What do you mean 'shh'?" She smiled grabbing his arm "I have a present for you! Come here." 

You were struggling against the binds holding you to the chair when the door opened, Koi walked in accompanied by... Mic! Hes a hero! He'll help you- "Aw! Koi your so thoughtful!" He hugged her "I hope you didn't go threw to much trouble getting our songbird home." 

(262 Words)

Requested by: DajaColeman2

Yall really liked the last story of me and Hizashi 😂 maybe I should do a platonic one 🤔

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