Easy {Mic}

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You didn't mind Mic at first in fact you actually found him quite charming and funny, but he was always a bit to handsy always looming over your shoulder when you talked to someone other than him always every single place you went to. It got to the point you couldn't pee without him sitting outside the bathroom waiting for you so you changed schools, maybe Ketsubutsu Academy will be ok.

Not two days later another new student, "Class please welcome Hizashi Yamada." Ok maybe quitting the hero course just a normal highschool will do... "Class please welcome Hizashi Yamada. You couldn't take it anymore, it went from creepy to straight up scary so what else is there to do, foreign exchange program. You boarded the plane to America and as soon as you took your seat you felt a weight lift off your chest, your free of him. You studied there for all four years.

After highschool you decided to move there, not because of Mic you had almost all but forgotten about your stalker, no you just liked America's groove. Well soon the school you were working at fired you and UA's principle Nezu was all but happy to give you a job as a teaching assistant, can't say you weren't grateful at least you'll be eating still. You hopped on the plain and flew straight out to Japan. Nezu showed you around the school, you missed this place why did you ever leave?

He brought you to the teachers lounge "Please forgive them if they seem impolite the school year just started and there already getting their asses handed to them." "Its fine, im sure it'll be ok." He opened the door and you scanned the room, your blood ran cold when you made eye contact with one of your new coworkers a million memories flooding your mind again.

"Well look at that!" Your whole body went to trembling as he walked over to you leaning to get face to face "I haven't seen this pretty face in years." "H-hi Mic." He laughed "Please no need for such professional honorifics, you know you can call me Hizashi." Nezu smiled "Im glad you two know each other because L/n this is the teacher you'll be assisting this year." Oh no.

You took a deep breath "Alright." Nezu cocked his head sideways "Are you alright L/n, you seem to be panicked?" "I think im gonna be sick." Mic grabbed your arm with a vice grip "Please let me bring you to Recovery Girl, as your supervisor I should be watching over you correct." Nezu nodded. He lead you away from the populated room into the empty hallways of UA. After a bit of walking he slammed you against a wall using his body to cage you there.

"Did you really think leaving was gonna get rid of me, darling I live for the chase, all you did was delay the inevitable

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"Did you really think leaving was gonna get rid of me, darling I live for the chase, all you did was delay the inevitable."

(514 Words)

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