Rescue {Shigaraki}

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It had always been a rumor that All Might had a young quirkless civilian wife but no one could actually prove it since no one has ever seen him out with anyone and no one has ever left or entered his house but him so a rumor it stayed. That was until Shigaraki broke into his home and found you small, weak, and frail sleeping on the couch in a long sleeve and jeans in this hot weather? He didn't dwell on it to much though quickly scooping you up but you didn't ster another very weird thing but again Shigaraki just ignored it in favor of hurry into Kurogiri's portal before All Might came home. 

He went straight to his room to put you down on his bed, though he didn't tuck you in its to hot and your already in that weird outfit. You woke a couple hours later and immediately started freaking out like some toddler that woke up from a nap at school and forgot where they were. He managed to calm you enough to explain that he had kidnapped you because of your affiliation with All Might, the way his voice softened when he spoke to you made him sick but it was like a reaction he couldn't control.

Once the freak out was put to rest he didn't know what to expect, he was surprised when you kinda just curled into yourself and watched him as he goes about his day with a unreadable expression . It stays like this for a couple days until finally you walk up to him while hes playing his game, your just standing next to him like your waiting for permission to speak or something "Yes?" You winced at the annoyance in his voice "Sorry, im hungry." He put his headset down as he stood "Alright come on them." You guys walked out to the main area and when you saw everyone else you grabbed onto the sleeve of Shigaraki's hoodie like a frightened child.

The blond girl ran up first gushing over how cute you are with Shigaraki as he swatted her away from you with little effort as you basically hid behind him. He didn't get mad at the girl he just told her to leave you alone and that he'll let her hang out with you in time. The burnt one laughed "What is she, your bitch or something?" Shigaraki scowled then, he clearly didn't give the burnt one as much lenense as the blond girl, probably because her age since she seems to only be a teenager. "No!" He barked at the burnt guy "But if any of you are thinking about harming her in any way i'll turn you over to master hes always looking for new bodies and quirks for Nomu's." He got Kurogiri to make you both food and took you and the food back to your room.

In all honesty Shigaraki's first plan was to break into a news broadcasting place and kill you on live air to show the world All Might couldn't even save his own wife much less the people of Japan but your starting to grow on him as everyday goes by, you remind him of his childhood dog that his family rescued from an abusive owner. He started to gain your trust slowly as each day went by.

On one day Shigaraki was showing you his little collection of figurines and you went to point at one in the back you had a question about but your hand bumped a small one in the front and sent it falling off his table. It smashed against the floor and broke into a couple pieces, Shigaraki watched your face turn from amazement and wonder into fear and regret. Your body started trembling so hard your legs gave out and you fell onto your knees. When you raised your eyes from the broken figurin to focusing behind Shigaraki like you were scared to meet his eye, or having a flashback of something traumatic.

Shigaraki went to pick you up but you flinched throwing your hands in front your face to shield it "Please Toshi it was an accident!" That made it click for Shigaraki, you remind him of his old rescue dog because you are a rescue. He slowly knelt down till he was on his knees in front you and slowly he moved your arms down and held your hands tightly making sure his pinky was out "Its ok." You started crying at his attempt at reassurance. He stood brining you up with him before letting your hands go and grabbing the pieces of the figure and throwing them away "It was cheap I can buy another, besides even if it was expensive it was an accident."

He sat at his chair pulling you into his lap as you continued to cry, you ended up crying yourself to sleep in his lap as he just let you cling to him not really knowing what else to do. When you woke up you were ok enough for Shigaraki to finally ask you the question that was causing him extreme anger during your lap "Did All Might ever hit you?" Could you really denine it after what he just witnessed? You didn't try to but you also didn't confirm instead you looked at him the way you used to when you first came to stay with Shigaraki and he sighed.

"Why would you date such an ass of a man?" You started crying again and he freaked out "Hey- wait- uh im sorry-" You finally sobbed out "I didn't date him." and Shigaraki stopped, he heard of quirk marriages but you dont have a quirk so what kind of agreement was between you and All Might "What?" You looked up at him wiping your tears "I didn't date him, he used quirk marriage tactics without the quirk, paying offered my family so much money there was no way I could disagree." 

The long sleeves, the trust issues, the flinch Shigaraki was ready to murder. But not right now, now was about you. He scooped you up and layed you two on his bed, you curled back into him "Shh, its alright. F/n I promise you i'll never let him lay a finger on you ever again." You dont ever have to worry about anything ever again because your his now and he protects whats his."

(1078 Words)

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