Internships {Sir Nighteye}

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3rd year student aka, legal age

"Ready for patrol!?" You jumped and quickly put your phone in your pocket before turning to see Mirio's head phased threw the wall "Y-yeah." He gave you a weird look as you came out the room "Are you alright, you jumped way harder then normal." You sighed and looked around like someone was gonna jump out at you "Lets talk about it while we scout the pathway." He nodded and you both headed out, Mirio's bringing a new kid in so you two have to walk the future mock patrol route to make sure its safe enough for a first year aka not around any frequent villain activity.

Once far away from Nighteye agency you sighed and once again looked around before speaking "Mirio have you ever noticed Sir Nighteye-san acting...well weird around me?" Mirio's smile faded as he rubbed the back of his neck "Well not anything really noteworthy, but you seem like you have. What happened?" He noted your eyes glancing around again "Its not like work place harassment or anything its more like constantly trying to get me alone with him or telling me things thats gonna happen in my near future but I never notice him using his quirk on me. Im starting to feel his eyes on me constantly even when he shouldn't be around like school and stuff. The second worst thing was, I got a personal invitation to work at Best Jeanist agency after graduation in a couple months and Sir called me into his office just to go on a huge rant about everything hes done for me and how I would be betraying him if I took up the offer. I haven't even told him about the invite yet!"

Mirio nodded "Maybe Sir is just looking out for you, what if he looked into the future and saw something happen to you and is trying to protect you in his own wa-" "I caught in outside my bedroom window last night."

"Y-your messing with me right? You and Sir are playing a fucked up prank on me?" "Im serious Mirio!" You pulled out your phone and shoved it in his face "Look, see!" A video from your security system started playing, Nighteye walked right up to yo...

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"Y-your messing with me right? You and Sir are playing a fucked up prank on me?" "Im serious Mirio!" You pulled out your phone and shoved it in his face "Look, see!" A video from your security system started playing, Nighteye walked right up to your window and sat, he stayed their for hours before leaving a bit before the time you had to wake for school. Mirio blinked a couple times, trying to think of an appropriate thing to stay but was interrupted by an arm slinging around both of you. You both jumped and screamed but only for a second, it was Nighteye smiling down at the two of you "Whats got you two so jumpy?"

Mirio put on a smile "We thought we saw something in that alley and I guess we psyched ourselves out." Nighteye let you both go and walked towards the alley "Well let the pro check it out, you two stay right there I need to talk to you after this." The second he was in the alley Mirio threw you over his shoulder and booked it. "What-?" He cut you off "Im not sure what to do but im sure of one thing, if we cant trust Sir then theres only one other man who can for sure help us!" "Aizawa-sensei!" He was taking you to UA!

You two were almost a few blocks away from the UA gates, once inside if you two screamed enough the security system would activate and you'd be safe enough to collapse like the out of breath heap Mirio felt like. He turned down an alley that would lead right to the road UA was on when suddenly Nighteye stepped out in front you and Mirio causing you both to be flung to the ground, you skidding across the alley and knocking against the wall of the building on the side.

You heard Mirio yell out before the alley went silent, you tried to push yourself up but you heard a tsk echo before a foot pushed you back to the ground "Oh dear I thought you both would have known better then to under me and my quirk by now." He tied your wrist and ankles together before throwing you over his shoulder and starting to walk. You looked up and saw Mirio tied up and tape over his mouth, he was struggling but for some reason your unsure of he couldn't use his quirk to get out. 

(804 Words)

Requested by: KarolinaSon2020

The whole time I was writing this the only thing going threw my head was, 

🎶You work all day, go back to your dorm {....} 'Cause you're an intern (unpaid) Wa-da-da-wap-wa-da🎶

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