"Im Worried About You" 2 {Dadzawa vs. Villain Midoriya}

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Dadzawa makes it: {23 votes}

"Hi Aizawa-sensei, sorry but F/n's a bit busy right now, she also wont be able to call you back. Bye-bye~!"

Aizawa quickly dialed Mic and told him to get some other heroes and the cops together and meet him at the address. He turned his car and speed down the street curing himself for not walking you to the door, for not trying to get invited inside, for leaving his helpless baby girl open for an attack. He wipped into the parking lot and ran up the steps to your door, and kicked it in. 

He saw Midoriya dragging you to the window as you fought nail and toe to get out his iron grip. He activated his quirk allowing you to get out of Midoriya's grip, you crawled away as Aizawa jumped into action to contain Midoriya. He failed and Midoriya was able to get away "F/n!" Aizawa started looking around the apartment, discovering your deceased parent's bodies along the way. He finally found you hiding under your bed.

Once the other heroes and police arrived he turned the apartment over to them and turned his full attention to comforting you, he wrapped his arms around you letting you cry into his shoulders "Eraser!" Midnight ran over "What happened? Is L/n arlight?" He shook his head "As long as Midoriya is running around free she wont be, im taking her home she'll be safe there while she cleans up and calms down." Midnight nodded "Alright, make sure to take the long way so you dont get an unwanted followers, ill stay here and call you with any news." "Thanks."

He got you into his car once again and drove you to his apartment on the other side of town, on the way up the elevator he turned to you "Dont worry F/n, I live in a hero complex its max security and literally all heroes. Theres no where else you could be more safe so go ahead and un-tense your muscles." You did as you both stepped out the elevator and headed to his door. He let you in locking up behind him "The bathrooms up stairs and to the left go ahead and shower then you can borrow some of my clothes." "Yes sir." He sat on the couch as he heard the water turned on and suddenly his phone went off.

Yama Calling 

"Hey Midnight, any news?"

"Parents where offed by Midoriya and hes still on the run but you already know that, the officers are talking about finding the next of kin for her to go to. They need you to get the number of how she can go to from her." He nodded before realizing she couldn't see him "When she comes back down i'll get it, I gotta go." "Alright bye." "Bye."

He heard you coming sown the stairs "Im ordering dinner, anything you want specifically?" "I'll eat whatever." You sat next to him clearly upset, he gets it you just lost your parents, he pulled you to lean against him as he ordered a pizza. After dinner he showed you to the guest room and sat in a chair that was in the corner "Um, what are you-" He cut you off leaning back "Just a precaution, just cat like im not here." Once you were asleep he pulled out this phone.


Did you get that number yet?

She says she doesn't have any but shes welcomed to stay with me, it would
probably be safer that way since I can stop Midoriya's quirk 

Dadzawa doesn't make it: {23 votes}

"Like I said, your gonna regret that." He ripped you off the floor and shoved you against the wall causing you to yelp "I gave you all my love, my full heart, and you spit on it!? I'll show you why you shouldn't be an ungrateful little bitch!" He threw you across the room causing you to bash your head against the wall and knocked you out "Oh I guess your punishment will have to wait a bit longer, come on my love let me get you somewhere you can rest that pretty head of yours."

You woke up tied to a bed "W-wha-" "Good morning. Im sorry I lost my temper, even if it was your fault I did, but im willing to forgive you." He noticed you wiggling against the blinds and tsked his tongue "The bindings are for your own protection dear, if you cant move you cant piss me off," He cupped your face ",so dont go trying to leave them unless you want me to teach you why your safer within them."

(805 Words)

To anyone who voted for Midoriya; Yall have no self preservation huh! Choosing villain midoriya over dadzawa like yall wanna die or something {🤣}

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