Fingernails {Mr. Compress}

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"Come on darling I just wanna cuddle." You scooted further into the corner "Dont touch me!" He sighed slowly walking over and trying to scoop you into his arms but your trashed around so hard you knocked the mask off his face. He gave a heaver sigh clearly annoyed "Baby girl I dont wanna lose my temper with you so how about you just follow me to the couch and let me hold you for a bit?" "Please I just wanna go home!" "We've been over this, you are home."

He bent down reaching for you again and this time you swatted his face. He shoved you off and backed away quickly looking up at you, he had a shallow slice going down the side of his check but it was deep enough to draw blood. You tried to scoot away but your back hit the corner almost immediately hit the wall. He stomped over to you and grabbed your wrist yanking you up "Scratch me again and i'll rip out your fucking fingernails one by one, do you understand!?" "Yes!" He let you go lightly rubbing what will soon be finger shaped bruises on your wrist "Good now come on lets go cuddle and I promise I wont punish you."

(216 Words)

Requested by: askiri4 

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