Belt {Mic}

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"Are you sure you wanna test my patients today? Im warning you for the last time F/n. Im not in the mood." Mic almost never used your real name, he much rather all those cheesy nicknames he somehow comes up with. The last time he used your real name you found yourself locked in his soundproofed training room for five whole days, you thought you were going to go insane hearing only your own heartbeat and blood flow for that long but Mic relented and let you out earlier then first intended.

You quickly brushed that memory aside quickly, your feet stayed planted, arms still crossed, and eyes still daggered at him. He sighed, your always so stubborn, he would love to fix that but he doesn't like hurting his baby unless she really deserves it. He gave you a tired smile, to disarm you, as he went to hug you but your arms unfolded and you smacked him so hard his head jerked to the side. After half a second the shock wore off and he began to laugh, low and sinister, as he turned back to face you.

 After half a second the shock wore off and he began to laugh, low and sinister, as he turned back to face you

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"Im gonna give you until the count of three to come up with a good apology." You know exactly what he wants, he wants you to drop to your knees and beg him for forgiveness tears and all. "One." Your hardened face wavered "Two." A bad feeling covered your whole body like a tidal wave "Three." You went to drop to your knees but his hand caught your throat shoving you against the wall, his other hand came up so he could wiggle his pointer finger at you "Ah ah ah, little to late for that now dont you think pumpkin?"

"Im sorry Hizashi, please, I-" You were cut off by the sound of him fiddling with his belt. You started crying, what exactly was he planning on doing to you?" He let go of your throat and snatched your hair dragging you to the couch. Yanking you to lay across his lap he grabbed your arms folding them behind your back and holding both your wrist in a tight grip in one of his hands. He tutted at you "All you had to do was stop when I told you to but no, always gotta push my buttons." His free hand grabbed your pants and yanked them down to your knees along with your underwear. He then grabbed the belt buckle and yanked it from its loops and thats when it accrued to you, Mic is still in his hero uniform.

"Now count for me." "Wait I- AH!" The thick red belt landed hard on your ass, its stud feeling as if they were cutting into your bare skin. His grip on your wrists tightened and you quickly choked out "One!" Again and again the belt made contact with your ass as you counted, afraid a slip up would cause another punishment. "Tw-enty." You readied yourself for another hit but it never came, the belt was wrapped around your wrist to keep your arms held behind your back before your pants were carefully pulled back up.

He lifted you up and placed you on his lap, a soft pillow was already waiting for your sore butt so sitting on his lap wouldn't be to painful. "Now what did we learn princess?" You hiccuped crying turned to sobbing long ago "To stop when im told too." He ran his fingers threw your hair, a clear attempt at soothing you "Thats right." He kissed your forehead as he pulled your head to rest against his chest "Im sor-ry." "Its alright baby, you learned your lesson and your not going to do it again so its alright now."

(697 Words)

(697 Words)

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Delinquencies! Every

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Delinquencies! Every. Last. One. Of. Ya!
But same tho 🤭🙃🤣

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