Scars {Assorted}

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*He gets it, hes done it himself so he can understands how you feel

*So when your feeling down about it he tries to distract you, since thats what helps him 

*He'll pull you close and hold you while music, a movie, or anything with noise plays in the background 

*Cry if you need hes got you you can let go 

*You'll both end up taking a nap together 


*Hes been through all this with Aizawa

*So if you need to cry, yell at him, wanna cuddle, wanna be left alone he understands and he'll let you do whatever makes you feel better 

*He'll always have your favorite snacks, favorite songs all on one playlist, favorite blanket, favorite drinks, everything on hand ready if you need/want them 

*He'll prefer you talk it out with him but if you can't he'll understand and just hold you/leave you be


*Naps, she'll lay you down for a nap first and foremost

*When you wake up, hopefully in a better mindset then before, she'll pull you in for cuddles and kisses probably had some calming tea and something light to snack on

*You guys can talk it out or sit in the calming silence and warmth of her embrace whichever you prefer  


*He doesn't get it but he cares so much about you that he'll actually try for you

*He does his research and askes Kurogiri how to help you

*He'll steal you the clothing you feel the most comfy in and make sure that when you are like this all your coping mechanisms are close by 

*If you prefer him to leave he will, want him to stay he'll do that to 

*Might have to really convince him if you want cuddles cuz hes scared of hurting you


*He'll leave you alone, since he prefers to be alone in those times he'll let you come to him

*If you do he'll cuddle you and feed you, basically just spoil you rotten 

*Like Aizawa it'll probably end in a nap in his secure but loving hold

(360 Words)

Requested by: Yum_Yum_Conny

I hope your feeling better today 💞

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