𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕡ped {Kirishima}

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You were curled into the corner of the bedroom sobbing as the strong pounding on the door got louder and louder to the point the door started creaking "F/n! F/n are you still there!?" You whispered into your phone between broken sobs and harsh intakes of breath "Im here Kats, please hurry." He sounded worried and you heard the engine of his car get louder as he put the petal to the metal "Im coming F/n, I can almost see our house, im coming baby!" He heard the huge boom of the door finally giving before you screaming and the phone dropping "F/n!? F/n!" The phone hung up. "Shit!"

He almost forgot to put the car fully in park as he jumped out and ran threw the broken door and up to the bedroom, the door was broken there too. He looked around but only found your shattered phone.

You woke up on a cold floor in a pool of your own blood, you tried to stand but you were so lightheaded you could barley even hold your head up much less the rest of your body. You heard footsteps and looked up to see, Kirishima, your fiancé's best friends with your blood on his face and clothing "Hi pumpkin." You looked up at him confused "Awe your confused, thats cute, I saved you from Bakugou." "S-saved?" He crouched to be closer to hear your words "Yes, you were about to make a huge mistake."

"Mistake?" He nodded "Do you not know how Bakugou used to talk about Midoriya? How he used to treat  Midoriya. Your quirkless, you cant marry him." You groaned from the pounding in your already swirling head "I do know, and I dont care. Kats been threw a lot and thats caused him to cha-" You were cut off by him swinging his foot into your rip causing you to roll on your back, he sighed as he leaned down and grabbed your throat "So your not gonna let me help you?" You shook your head trying very weakly to pull his hand from your neck.

 His unbreakable form slowly started popping up down his arm all the way to the fingers holding your neck putting your weak attempt at fighting back to rest "Well, if I cant have you..." *SNAP* "...no one can." 

(407 Words)

Requested by: Cherry_On_Top246

I hope this was ok, you said snapped and I went or it 👉👈

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